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  • “Seja um viajante, não um turista”. Conheça a Rede de Planeamento de Ação Tourism Friendly Cities

    "Recebo com prazer no meu restaurante os viajantes, não os turistas. Pessoas curiosas e respeitadoras do estilo de vida local, que apreciam que a ementa diária depende dos produtos frescos disponíveis localmente e que fazem alguma pesquisa antes da visita" - Fausto Cavanna, proprietário, La Taverna di Colombo, Génova (Itália)

    Ana Resende

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  • Zbirka orodij za celostne in participativno pripravljene lokalne politike

    Konec septembra in začetek oktobra je za mesta v akcijskih omrežjih programa URBACT potekala e-univerza. Dogodki programa URBACT so sicer znani kot izjemno dinamični in interaktivni, z veliko dela na terenu, daleč od dolgočasnih konferenc. Sekretariat je bil tokrat zaradi epidemioloških razmer pred težko nalogo, kako prek spleta prenesti čim več znanja, ki ga bodo mesta potrebovala v naslednjih mesecih, ko bodo pripravljala svoje akcijske načrte.


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  • The V Transnational Innovato-R Meeting in Porto

    The meeting took place in Porto, in a virtual format, and its focus was on monitoring the project achievements, the consistency of the results produced and planning of future activities and deadlines.

    Valeria Tarallo

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  • Birmingham Job Shadowing in Toulouse - blog entry

    Our partners from Birmingam, with a strong three-person team, arrived in Toulouse at the end of February. The team that took part in Job Shadowing included Alice and Charis, both planning officers and Karolina, who in her daily work deals with local communities. Each of these people brought different inspirations and insights from that visit.  



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  • Bologna Job Shadowing in Braga - blog entry

    At the beginning of February, representatives of Bologna travelled to Braga for job shadowing to learn more about the importance of Cultural Identity in this city and to be inspired by the innovations applied here in the use of culture and social and cultural animation to engage citizens in action.



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  • Zagreb Job Shadowing in Toulouse - blog entry

    Our job shadowing took place on 24-25 February in Toulouse. Except for our team from Zagreb  (Novela Rimay Ferenčak, Bojan Linardić & Tomislav Dumančić), there were also colleagues from Birmingham. During two days we had an excellent insight experience learning about Toulouse projects and familiarising with the work of our Toulouse colleagues.


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