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  • Toulouse Job Shadowing in Birmingham - blog entry

     “During the job-shadowing, we shared 3 days managed by Karolina Medwecka, EU Programmes Co-ordinator, and her partners. The programme was intense and very enriching, with presentations, exchanges, meetings with stakeholders and site tours about the urban regeneration in different ways. The big projects of the city and the challenges for the future: the USE-IT project, the Stirchley Baths, the Reservoir, the city center, the High Speed Rail 2, the empowerment of the communities and the specific role of community organizer, the arts and culture in planning development and the relations with private sector to build the city.”  Explore Toulouse's impressions and thoughts after her job Shadowing Visit in Birmingham. 



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  • Carbon Literacy training – an inspirational approach for cities

    How to build understanding as a launch pad for local action on climate change.


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  • Braga Job Shadowing in Toulouse - blog entry

    On the 26th, 27th and 28th of February, this year, the City Councillors of Braga (Pt), Sameiro Araújo and Miguel Bandeira, respectively, with the Public Participation and Youth Areas, and Urban Regeneration, Urbanism and Planning, they went to Toulouse (Fr) to participate in the Job Shadowing exchange, “Urban Regeneration Mix”, within the scope of the URBACT Network .The delegation was accompanied by the ULG coordinator, the architect Daniel Pereira.


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  • Baena Job Shadowing in Braga - blog entry

    At the beginning of the year before the pandemic started, representatives of Baena went to Braga to see how on a daily basis NGO's in cooperation with the City Hall implement their projects involving residents. See how their visit went and what interesting things they were able to see and learn. 


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  • Riga Youth Centre “Kaņieris” – the trusted partner and ally of young people

    The municipality of Riga ensures engagement possibilities to various groups of residents – the NGO House, URBACT Good Practice Example, is active, and the municipality has taken care also of involving youth in the life of municipality – since 2011, Riga Youth Centre “Kaņieris” operates under the auspices of the municipality. We invited the team of the Youth Centre “Kaņieris” of the Riga City Council Education, Culture and Sports Department  to outline the mission and activities of this Centre.


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  • Το Υπουργείο Τουρισμού της Κύπρου θα παράσχει πρόσθετη υποστήριξη για τις πράσινες και ορεινές περιοχές της χώρας

    Οι επενδύσεις πραγματοποιούνται προκειμένου να προβληθούν διάφορα είδη τουρισμού στο νησί.


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