In the Welcoming International Talent project, seven cities aim at sharing knowledge, improving policies and implementing best practice projects in their international student cities. But why are these specific cities participating in the WIT project? Each city will explain what they can contribute and what they would like to learn from this knowledge exchange. This time: Bielsko-Biała, Poland.
Bielsko-Biała is a city with district status in the Silesia region, located at the foot of Beskidy mountains. It was established in 1951 as the result of the merger of two neighbouring cities Bielsko, that origins reach to the middle ages, and Biała, founded in the 16th century. The total population of the city is reaching 180 000. The city is located in the southern part of the Silesian region, that, in total, has about 4,6 million inhabitants. Bielsko-Biała is the administrative, economic, academic, touristic and cultural centre for the southern subregion of Silesia. Due to its proximity of Katowice, Krakow, Czech Ostrawa and Slovak Zilina Bielsko-Biała is an important cross-border development center.
The University of Bielsko-Biała is also very interested in cooperation with the local government in order to launch activities aimed at encouraging people from abroad to study here because there are still not many foreigners among the students. Participation in the ‘’Welcoming International Talent’’ project is also a chance for the university to acquire new students especially from abroad and definitely an opportunity for its further development on different levels.
The city participates in this network to acquire knowledge and learning effective methods that will help to increase the attractiveness of the city among young people from abroad. All activities will be aimed to overcome the barriers which stand in foreigner’s way to find a job that is in line with their ambitions, knowledge and skills. Moreover, the city and its locals could become even more open to internationals, thus Bielsko-Biała would become a place for them to stay for longer.