How to design a health nature trail? (download guideline!)

Edited on 19/11/2021

How to design a health nature trail? Espoo´s new booklet shows you!

Espoo´s Small Scale Action – a Health Nature trail Design Guide has finally been published. The booklet acts as a guideline on cross-departmental participatory collaboration in planning a health nature trail. The Design Guide is based on good experiences in implementing a health nature trail at Espoo Central Park in 2019 in a close cooperation in between the City of Espoo, Olari residents´ association and nearly 20 other organisations. The booklet offers clear, step-by-step guidelines to both NGO´s and public organisations on planning, implementing, and maintaining a health nature trail.

Read more and collect the tips from! 

Download the guideline from here

The action demonstrated how clear, step-by-step guidelines create motivation to promote concrete
measures to increase health benefits of already existing nature areas and use of ecosystem services.
See also
- Walk along video from Olari health nature trail (Youtube)
- 360-degree photos from the information points at Olari health nature trail (Google Maps)

Written by Anna Hakala

Submitted by Viktoria Soos on 19/11/2021
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Viktoria Soos

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