As part of the Beyond the Urban project, the Municipality of Treviso promoted the initiative "Let’s Put the SUMP in the Square" to engage citizens and stakeholders in an innovative experience of pedestrianization and sustainable mobility. Piazza Duomo, a historic symbol and the heart of the city, was temporarily closed to traffic and transformed into a space dedicated to people, creativity and participation.
The main goal of the event was to assess how traffic closure could impact mobility, accessibility, and quality of life in a representative area of the city. The experiment demonstrated how urban spaces freed from cars can foster social interaction and improve community well-being. The initiative also aimed to promote a cultural shift towards sustainable mobility by raising awareness among citizens about the benefits of active mobility, such as walking and cycling, and encouraging reflection on the conscious use of cars. Another key objective was to directly involve the community, collecting ideas and suggestions to improve the sustainable mobility policies outlined in the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP).
Piazza Duomo was transformed into an open-air laboratory, where both adults and children participated in various activities. Children explored safe cycling routes and attended bicycle maintenance workshops organized with the support of local associations like Treviso Bike, while the more creative participants could imagine and design their ideal city through the workshop "Designing My City," hosted by ArchRockKids.
Information stands allowed citizens to learn about the actions already implemented under the SUMP, such as flexible public transport services, bike-sharing, the electric mobility plan, and road safety interventions. The event also included a space dedicated to road safety, managed by ACI, and an area led by ULSS 2 where citizens could delve into the benefits of active mobility on health and quality of life. The day was rounded off with a healthy snack provided by Treviso Mercati, strengthening the connection between sustainable mobility and well-being.
Road safety camp by bike. Source: Municipality of Treviso
During the event, the urban space was reimagined with the addition of plants and benches, transforming Piazza Duomo from a parking lot and transit area into a welcoming place for people to gather and enjoy. This temporary redesign showcased the potential of the square as a vibrant, livable space at the heart of the city.
The initiative provided valuable data for evaluating the effects of pedestrianization and created a direct dialogue with citizens, who shared opinions and proposals to improve the city’s mobility system. "Let’s Put the SUMP in the Square" was an enjoyable, engaging, and productive opportunity to reflect on the future of the city, demonstrating how a shared and participatory vision can make Treviso more inclusive and sustainable.
With this event and the upcoming initiatives under the URBACT Beyond the Urban project, Treviso Municipality aims to transform the central spaces of the city and its neighborhoods, giving them back to the people. This experiment has opened new perspectives, demonstrating to those accustomed to car-dominated spaces that a different concept of the city is possible: a city where people are at the center, in line with the core principles of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP).