Pop-up workshop in Oslo

Edited on 01/11/2021

During the autumn break in Oslo the Agency of Waste Management and the City District of Alna organized several autumnal activities.

The Agency for Waste Management in Oslo and City District of Alna are collaborating to create an Urban Resource Centre (URC) at Trosterud. The Centre will include a mini recycling station and a workshop. In the anticipation of the premises of the URC being ready, they arranged a pop-up workshop during the autumn break. Young people employed by the City Districut worked together with a redesigner to built an outdoor bench from recycled wood during their autumn break.










Image 1: the outdoor bench

During the autum break an autum party was hosted in the greenhouse. Local kindergardens, associations and neighbours came to visit. During the party the youth served self-squeezed apple juice. The apples the juice was made of came from the local gardens.

Image 2: apple squeezer


Submitted by Amy Jansen on 01/11/2021