Smart cities, innovation and gender equality

Edited on 18/03/2022

How is smart cities, innovation and technological development connected to gender equality? What are the critical questions we have to ask ourselves?

The network lead partner Umeå is working on the policy challenge Gender equality, urban innovation and smart cities: In what way could gendered power structures systematically be made visible and challenged in the processes of finding new, innovative solutions to urban challenges?

For the development of their small-scale action, as part of the integrated action plan exploring this issue, Umeå has created a short animated information video on the link between gender equality, smart cities and urban innovation. The purpose is to raise awareness and build capacity about the need to systematically make visible and challenge gendered power structures in innovation processes aiming at a clearer understanding in the wider “smart city community” about the why and how a critical analysis on gender should be included in smart city urban innovation.

The video is available on the lead partner website here.

Submitted by on 18/03/2022
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