Urban Local Group The Hague: the next step towards their resource center

Edited on 11/11/2021

On the 28th of October the ULG-members (Urban Local Group) of The Hague organized a session to put their vision on the URBACT Resourceful Cities trajectory into writing. The ULG exists of local entrepreneurs, teachers, students, and the municipality of The Hague.

The municipality of The Hague utilizes these sessions to work together with their partners on realizing concrete, sustainable projects in the city that focus on reusing secondary resources (waste). They want to work with the city, for the city. By doing several exercises the ULG worked on making their plans concerning the resource center more specific. These exercises where guided by Bas van den Berg, a teacher from the Haagse Hogeschool. Together they worked on questions such as: “What should a resource center look like?” and “How can we realize such a center in our city?”

The ULG concluded that creating a central resource center for the city will be the best way to go. This center exists in a network of smaller resource locations who will add to the scope of the central location. The goal is to put precise actions into writing for the city of The Hague during 2022 and then putting these plans into practice. The group also identified important topics concerning the resource center. The members of the group found inclusivity of the center very important: young and old, men and women, and inhabitants of all neighbourhoods of The Hague should feel welcome at the resource center. It is a place where entrepreneurs – the Haagse Rondmakers – can work on high quality reuse of the secondary resources that will be delivered at the center, while focusing on workplaces for those with a distance to the labor market. Lastly education concerning sustainability and circularity will receive its place at the resource center.

The municipality of The Hague facilitates the Haagse Rondmakers to realize their entrepreneurship. Partially by making financial means available and assisting the group while finding a suitable location for the center. The municipality is also working on finding a way to support the educative purposes of the resource center.

All in all it was a very successful afternoon, where the next step has been made to reuse more of The Hague’s waste on a high quality level.


Submitted by Amy Jansen on 11/11/2021