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  • бюлетин-2025-1

    Първи информационен бюлетин за 2025 г. по Европейската градска инициатива и УРБАКТ

    Излезе Първи брой на Информационния бюлетин за възможностите по линия на Европейската градска инициатива (EUI) и УРБАКТ. Предстоят ключови събития за развитието на градовете в Европейския съюз и

  • Leipzig ULG-Meeting, Stephan Seiler

    Von der ehemaligen Stasi-Zentrale zum Dritten Ort? URBACT-Local-Group-Treffen in Leipzig

    Welchen Charakter soll der geplante neue Dritte Ort am Matthäikirchhof  – ehemals Stasi-Zentrale in der Leipziger Innenstadt – haben und welche Zwischennutzungen könnten dies befördern? 
    Mit diesen

  • dhf

    Wrocław ootab: tutvuge 2025. aasta URBACTi linnafestivali võõrustajaga

    Sel aastal tähistab URBACT linnafestival oma kümnendat sünnipäeva! 8.–10. aprillil koguneb Wrocławisse üle 600 linnaeksperdi kogu Euroopast.

    2025. aasta URBACTi linnafestival on suurepärane võimalus

  • Εάν αυτοί οι τοίχοι μπορούσαν να μιλήσουν: δημοκρατικές αξίες διαμέσου της δυσαρμονικής κληρονομιάς.

    Η κατανόηση της κοινής μας ιστορίας και των απαρχών των δημοκρατικών μας συστημάτων είναι ζωτικής σημασίας για το μέλλον της δημοκρατίας. Ωστόσο, αυτό συχνά συνεπάγεται την αντιμετώπιση σκληρών

  • Green transition – this is what YOU can do every day!

    Doing a lot by doing a little. 

    When talking about green transition as a cross cutting theme in our everyday life, we should focus on where we can do a lot by doing a little.

  • Naujas URBACT programos nuotolinis renginys skirtas lyčių lygybei

    URBACT programa organizuoja savo pirmąjį nuotolinį lyčių lygybės miestuose renginį kovo 5 d.

  • Social cohesion
    Meeting of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union in Gdańsk. Source: European Commission.

    Polish EU Presidency explores the urban dimension of European cohesion

    Poland has placed European security in all its dimensions high on the EU Presidency agenda. Let’s dive into key policy priorities and implications for urban cooperation and cohesion across European

  • A group of young individuals, likely students, engaged in a collaborative learning or workshop setting. Credits: Albergaria-a-Velha (PT).

    7 URBACT dobrih praksi za mlade

    Ovaj članak istražuje sedam inovativnih pristupa redefiniranju i poboljšanju sudjelovanja mladih u europskim gradovima.

  • Have you ever tried beehive therapy? Have you ever met a biodiversity officer?

    In this edition, we dive into the transformative work of Local Authority Biodiversity Officers in Ireland, explore urban beekeeping as a tool for engagement, and discover how public parks can evolve