URBACT Good Practices

The 2025 URBACT City Festival will put in the spotlight 116 urban good practices that are impactful, participatory, integrated, relevant and easy to transfer to other European cities.


To scale them up across Europe, URBACT will launch a Call for Transfer Networks from April to June 2025. Join the URBACT City Festival to find the URBACT Good Practice you want to transfer in your own city and network to make this happen! 


Find out who these practices are and where they come from below! 

  • Citizens' initiatives for urban development

    Citizens shaping their city's development 

  • Minority language renewal through innovation

    Setting new standards for urban language revitalisation 

  • Wildflower cities

    Climate-adaptive urban grassland management creating wildflower meadows 

  • Initiative for innovative integrated interventions

    Cooperation between public, civil and private sector to tackle social problems 

  • Natural water retention measures for climate resilience

    Coordinating effective, small-scale natural water retention measures 

  • Local employment forum

    Combatting unemployment and labour shortages by public-private partnerships 

  • Accessible city for all

    Involving disabled people in creating a city accessible for all 

  • Halle 2: The municipal second-hand shop

    Supporting local circular economy by selling goods from recycling centres 

  • Sustainable food education centre

    Reducing citizens' carbon footprint by education on sustainable food 

  • Participatory urban park project

    Turning wasteland into public green spaces 

  • Tool for monitoring housing

    A tailored strategy anticipating, preventing, and combatting substandard housing

  • Solar energy in public buildings

    Promoting renewable energy in public buildings