Validated Expert info
Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:
- The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities
- Thematic expertise:
> Local Economy
> Equality, Diversity, Inclusion
> Digital Transformation
> Knowledge Economy
- Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
> Integrated and participatory design of strategies
> Sustaining engagement of stakeholders and translating strategies into actions
Since 1992, I have supported EU and UK cities with inclusive economic development, enterprise, entrepreneurship, employment, innovation, and growth. I have been an URBACT Lead Expert since 2009 and have wide ranging network level and programme level experience, including:
- Lead Expert for 5 different networks focusing on local economies: ESIMeC I & II, TechTown +
- TechRevolution I and II.
- Ad hoc expert for URBACT Markets, AS-Transfer, I-Place and Gendered Landscape & others.
- Lab Manager for Jobs & Skills at 2 x Summer Universities.
- Capitalisation and capacity building expert on Jobs and Growth and Digital Transitions.
- Leading URBACT’s capacity building work on digital transitions, starting with a snapshot assessment of capacity building needs in 2022 and more recently developing the ‘Keeping up with digital transitions’ training programme, launched in March 2023.
I continue to work on the ground with UK cities to support the development of inclusive digital economies.