Validated Expert info
Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:
- The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities
- Thematic expertise:
> Equality, Inclusion, Diversity
> Food
> Participative Governance
- Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
> Integrated and participatory design of strategies
> Sustaining stakeholder engagement and translating strategies into actions
In my work, I am inventive and creative, I think outside of the box and dare to go against the mainstream. I am sincere, reliable and motivated to support good causes selflessly. I would rather focus on others and work on common goals, than putting myself first. This will help me to be a good Lead Expert for any type of URBACT-project. I would like to coach and assist (public) organisations in developing strategies for development of diversity, equity and inclusion. It is a skill I have learned also because I myself belong to a minority, and therefor am familiar with this topic.
Through my experience with the European Regions of Gastronomy network I have been able to share my knowledge on the agricultural sector and the transition taking place in that field. Any food-related project will be in good hands with me.
Last but not least, with 30 years of experience in public administration (about half of that period I was involved in EU project as well) I als know my way around organisational development, mainly focussing on the cultural aspects of any organisation.
For me open mindedness is key, getting to know new points of views and angles, with a good sense of humour. A day without a smile simply is not an option for me!
Besides fulfilling my professional duties I spend most of my time with my teenage children and walking with our dog Pip. Further, I like a good evening out (dancing, just go out for a drink, a movie or theatre, all fine by me). I am a big football fan (#PSV EINDHOVEN) and although it says nothing of my qualities an expert for URBACT-project I would like to finish saying that I am an absolute chocolate lover (#guilty pleasure).