Validated Expert info
Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:
- The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities
- Thematic expertise:
> Housing
> Social Innovation
> Circular Economy
- Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
> Integrated and participatory design of strategies
> Sustaining engagement of stakeholders and translating strategies into actions
Service designer and expert in social innovation. Liat is passionate about creative processes and developing new tools for design thinking and innovative strategies towards sustainability. As founder of HousingLab and the Director of the Impact Housing Foundation, she is facilitating and coaching processes of urban housing renewal and exploring how private investments may be used to generate more housing options. Liat coordinates and manages local and European projects aiming at improving the urban lifestyle from an environmental and social point of view. She was the Lead Expert of the ROOF URBACT network aiming to end homelessness and is currantly the project manager of the Pilot action of the H2020 project Centrinno, promoting urban circular economy.
Liat holds a PhD in design from Politecnico di Milano and teaches social innovation In IES abroad Milan.
- Housing
- Social Innovation
- Urban Circular Economy