Validated Expert info
Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:
- The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities
- Thematic expertise:
> Food
> Circular Economy
> Climate Adaptation
> Energy Transition - Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
> Integrated and participatory design of strategies
> Monitoring and evaluation for effective implementation
Marcelline Bonneau, via Resilia Solutions, is working on projects for societal transition of city administration.
Via my role as a URBACT Programme, Lead Expert (GreenPlace) and Ad Hoc expert (REFILL, BIOCANTEENS, MAPS), together with my position as an expert to the EUI Ground for Well-being project (Amsterdam), EUI Time2Adapt project (European Metropolis of Lille), UIA Circular South project (Antwerp) and to the UIA TAST’in FIVES project (Lille), New European Bauhaus expert and AMI expert (as the REGIO Communities of Practitioners' Manager), and within a variety of other local and transitional projects, I support integrated governance processes via peer-to-peer learning amongst EU cities.
After having worked in consultancies evaluating European public policies and programmes, doing impact assessments and bringing technical assistance, I now contribute to reinforcing the link between local and European levels via learning and exchange. I propose services from facilitating co-creation processes (methodology designs, facilitation of activities, experimentations, …) and stimulating participation (via community management, visualization, …). In addition I do research and analysis and contributes to various project via ad hoc oral and written contributions.
Sustainable food (especially responsible for the URBACT Food Knowledge Hub), sustainable consumption, foodwaste, circular economy, climate change, energy transition, (innovative) public procurement, grassroots initiatives, temporary use of vacant spaces, social innovation, Just Transitions, are some of the topics I cover. Leadership, governance, urban planning, integrated approaches, empowerment are some of the transversal approaches I investigate.
By combining theory and practice, I have almost 20 years years been working with public authorities and local initiatives. I am focusing especially on the interactions between stakeholders via co-creation towards a more resilient society. This way, I have supported the development of local action plans and strategies, communication and stakeholder engagement and mobilisation strategies, set-up of local councils, identification of EU funds opportunities and capacity-building for EU funds applications, ...
With a background in public policy and management of the environment, I seek to link theory and practices, grassroots activities and strategic ones, the local and EU levels (incl. Urban Agenda Partnerships).
All my details (projects, publications, articles, media, conferences, blog articles, CV, ... ) can be found on Resilia Solutions' website: http://resilia-solutions.eu/
Details of validated thematic expertise
(NB: more fields of expertise can be found on my CV)
Circular Economy
- 2019-2022, URBACT Programme Expert responsible for Circular Economy
- 2020-2021, FoodWin, Food Waste Mission Brussels: https://foodwastemission.be/
- 2018-2021, UIA Expertise to Antwerp Circular South
- 2018-2019, Brussels environment, FoodWasteWatchers :https://foodwastewatchers.com/
- 2018-2019, Brussels environment, Food surplus collection for dummies / La récup’ d’invendus pour les nuls
- 2016, Brussels environnement/Refresh, Training for « Fridge Masters »/ « Maîtres frigo »
- 2016, Almata, EMBALLALMATA: Encore moins d’emballages chez Almata !
- 2016-2017, Brussels environnement/Refresh, Set-up and support of the “Fridge Masters” network
- 2015-2018, URBACT Expertise to the REFILL network
Publications, articles and presentations:
- Observer of the Urban Agenda Partnership on Circular Economy
- Walid et Marcelline Bonneau, Good Food, 2016
- radio interviews podcast: FoodWasteWatchers, 13 September 2019, VivaCité; and Les Maîtres Frigo, Opinions CSC, 21 October 2016, RTBF/La Première
- podcasts: 2019, VivaCIté, La minute anti-gaspi de Marcelline
Climate Adaptation
Projects :
- 2019-2022, URBACT Programme Expert responsible for Climate adaptation
- 2023, City of Schaerbeek (Belgium), on the "Support for the design of a strategy for mobilizing stakeholders in the Schaerbeek territory as part of the Climate Plan",
- 2022-2023, Bruxelles Environnement, Supporting municipalities and CPAS in the implementation of Good Food projects in connection with the call for climate action projects
Publications, articles and presentations:
- Bonneau M. (2021) Striving towards a greener Europe: Climate adaptation and energy transition driving change in urban areas, Urban Agenda series of articles #2, May 2021
- Bonneau M., Cities nurturing local food systems to fight climate change, 10 November 2021
- Bonneau M., The road to COP26: climate change at the heart of URBACT cities of all sizes, 30 September 2021
- Integrated local food ecosystems to tackle climate change: URBACT’s lessons and actions, 7th Global Forum of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP), Barcelona, 19 October 2021
- “Urban policies and climate change”, Green urban Actions, Ipop, 22 October 2021
- The road to COP26 Climate change at the heart of URBACT cities, from the smallest to the largest, URBACT City Festival, 16 June 2021
Energy Transition
- 2019-2022, URBACT Programme Expert responsible for Energy transition
Publications, articles and presentations:
- Bonneau M., Toscano I., Ramsden P., Coppola A. (2023) Just Transitions - Making the City Affordable to All : Final report, EUI Publication
- Bonneau M. (2021) Striving towards a greener Europe: Climate adaptation and energy transition driving change in urban areas, Urban Agenda series of articles #2, May 2021
- Bonneau M. (2021) Making the most of solar energy in the new residential area of Antwerp Circular South (3rd Zoom-In), UIA publication
- Bonneau M. (2020) Antwerp Circular South Zoom-In 2: “What if you could see how much energy you consume at home and that you could change it?”, UIA publication
- 2019-2022, URBACT Programme Expert responsible for Food
- 2023, City of Ixelles, FoodWasteWatchers@Ixelles
- 2023, Bruxelles environment, Assistance in the coordination, animation and communication of the Good Food 2 Strategy
- 2023, Administration Communale de Schaerbeek, Animation, facilitation and organization of the participatory process for the creation of the sustainable food advisory council of the city of Schaerbeek and co-creation of a local strategy
- 2022-2023, Bruxelles Environnement, Supporting municipalities and CPAS in the implementation of Good Food projects in connection with the call for climate action projects
- 2019, URBACT, Thematic Programme Expert, Food Expert
- 2019-2022, UIA Expert for TAST’in FIVES
- 2018, URBACT, BioCanteens network
- 2018-2019, Brussels environment, FoodWasteWatchers
- 2018-2019, Brussels environment, Food surplus collection for dummies
- 2016, Coordination of the RABAD living lab within the frame of ULB-led “Choud’Bruxelles”
- 2016, Brussels environnement, Cogardenning/Cojardinage
- 2015,Etterbeek City council, “Sustainable table” toolkit
- 2015, Bruxelles environment, Support to the co-construction of a Strategy on Sustainable Food and Urban Agriculture in the Brussels capital region
Publications, articles and presentations:
- Bonneau M., Reinforcing local food ecosystems: a recipe for success?, 9 October 2021
- « Exemples de Food Councils en Europe », Go for Good Food 2.0 : Groupe de travail "Gouvernance participative”, 18 May 2021
- Making the most of food in cities, by UIA, 15 October 2020, 09:30-11:00, #EURegionsWeek
- European Urban Strategies for Sustainable Food and Urban agriculture, New City Habitat, City of Krakow, 25 September 2020
- EUWRC 2019: Fighting food waste while boosting local economic activity, 10 October 2019
- URBACT City Lab on Sustainability, Brussels, 2-3 July 2019
- Bonneau M., Les membres des paniers bio sont-ils tous des « bobos » ?, 20 August 2016