Raffaella Lioce

Edited on 17/09/2024

Raffaella Lioce

  • Italy

  • Italian, English
Raffaella Lioce Profile
Availability :
Available for Lead Expert role and Ad-hoc expertise missions

Validated Expert info

Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:

  1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities
  2. Thematic expertise:
    > Culture
    > Strategic urban planning
    > Food
    > Urban design 
  3. Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
    > Securing funding and resourcing
    > Sustaining engagement of stakeholders and translating strategies into actions


With over 25 years of extensive experience in designing, coordinating, and implementing EU co-funded projects, I bring a wealth of expertise to lead network and provide cities with knowledge and good practices. My professional journey has revolved around key areas of focus, including culture, cultural heritage, cultural tourism, sport policies, active and healthy cities, sustainable cities, action plans for innovative city-region food systems, functional urban areas, urban design, strategic planning, and territorial marketing.

In particular I have gained extensive experience in designing and coordinating projects co-funded by various EU programs such as Interreg, Life, Creative Europe, REC/CERV, ERASMUS+ (key action SPORT and Youths), and HORIZON 2020. These projects have enabled me to work collaboratively with diverse stakeholders, leverage European funding opportunities, and drive innovation in areas such as sustainable urban development, cultural initiatives, youth engagement, and sports-and nature-based solutions for public spaces regeneration the health of the cities and of the communities. I have also actively participated in the URBACT program, specifically within the "Playful Paradigm" URBACT TRANSFER network. During the first wave of transfer, I served as the lead project manager, overseeing the successful implementation of the network's objectives. In the second wave of transfer, I continued my involvement as an Ad Hoc Expert, providing valuable support to cities in coordinating the ULG, promoting innovation at local level,  and offering expertise in the domains of active healthy cities and playful education. These experiences have deepened my understanding of collaborative city networks and strengthened my ability to drive impactful change at the local level.

As an architect with a long-term dedication to public works, my focus has been on co-creating dynamic and sustainable public spaces that enhance the well-being of urban dwellers. I have specialized in spatial planning, mobility, designing libraries and cultural spaces, sport and nature-based solutions, urban development projects. By merging innovative design concepts with practical functionality, I have been able to make a tangible impact on the livability and attractiveness of cities. In the recent years, I have had the privilege of coordinating and facilitating urban living labs in various fields. I spearheaded a sustainable tourism urban living lab, where we explored innovative smart and sustainable approaches to minimize the environmental impact of tourism while maximizing its social and economic benefits. Furthermore, I led an urban living lab focused on developing sustainable city-region food systems, fostering collaboration between local producers, consumers, and policymakers. Additionally, I established an urban lab dedicated to promoting active cities and sport-based solutions, encouraging citizens to embrace physical activity and leading healthier lifestyles.

Education, knowledge management and dissemination have always been central to my professional ethos. I serve as a faculty professor at esteemed universities, among them Universities of Architecture, Spatial Planning and engineering (in Venice, Padova and Ferrara) Design (in Venice) and Economics (in Venice). At these institutions, I teach/taught courses on economic evaluation of urban plans, innovation, and sustainable smart tourism. Furthermore, I actively contribute to the Master's program in EuroProject design at the Venice International University, fostering a transdisciplinary approach to project concept and implementation. Additionally, I am involved in vocational training centers (with a specific focus on t+Tourism, Culture and creative industries) and in delivering learning professional programs at the high school  for local authorities, equipping future professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to tackle the challenges of urban sustainable and inclusive development.

In recognition of my commitment to quality and continuous improvement, I also serve as an auditor for the ISO 9001 quality management scheme. This role has allowed me to ensure that projects adhere to rigorous standards, guaranteeing optimal outcomes and user satisfaction. By implementing robust quality control measures, I have consistently delivered projects of exceptional caliber, aligning with the highest quality standards. Complementing my practical experience, I hold a master's degree in project management. This educational foundation equips me with the necessary skills to lead and navigate complex initiatives successfully.

I have contributed to the academic community through my research and publications, authoring papers and editing publications in English and Italian. These contributions have allowed me to share my insights and findings, ultimately fostering an exchange of knowledge and pushing the boundaries of best practices in urban sustainable development. I have had the honor of moderating and speaking at several international conferences, serving as a catalyst for dialogue and collaboration among professionals from diverse backgrounds. These engagements have provided me with a platform to share my expertise, learn from others, and contribute to global discussions on sustainable urban development. Through these interactions, I have built a robust network and skill ecosystem, which I believe will be invaluable in fostering partnerships and driving collective action within Cities Network.

In considering the larger context, the European Union's commitment to sustainability, the Green Deals, and the New European Bauhaus initiative are pivotal driving forces in shaping the future of our cities. I firmly believe that my extensive experience and multifaceted expertise align perfectly with these goals and aspirations. By championing collaboration, innovation, and holistic approaches, I am dedicated to creating vibrant, inclusive, and environmentally friendly cities that thrive and inspire.