Validated Expert info
Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:
- The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities
- Thematic expertise:
> Local Economy
> Energy Transition
> Communication
> Participatory Governance
> Urban Design - Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
> Integrated and participatory design of strategies
> Securing funding and resourcing
Simone d'Antonio is an expert of sustainable urban development, with a strong experience in supporting urban and regional authorities in planning and implementing projects of urban innovation.
His work is focused on empowering local authorities to better govern the most relevant urban challenges and support them in the exchange of knowledge and solutions with other cities at European and global level.
Simone was Ad-Hoc Expert for several URBACT networks (Tourism-Friendly Cities, Thriving Streets, Gendered Landscape, Playful Paradigm, Com.Unity.Lab, Civic eState, Active NGOs, ONSTAGE, City Centre Doctor, 2nd Chance, Interactive Cities), providing thematic and methodological support to the partners. He supported also the development and the facilitation of thematic sessions at the URBACT City Festivals of Lisbon in 2018 and Pantin/Grand Paris in 2022.
He regularly works also with Urban Innovative Actions, Urban Agenda for the EU and Covenant of Mayors as expert, supporting the development of pilot actions and capturing the knowledge emerged from projects of urban innovation.
Just transitions, jobs and skills for local economy, urban design, sustainable tourism, civic engagement, active inclusion and reduction of inequalities are just some of the topics covered by Simone in recent years, with a strong production of studies published, among the others, by C40 Cities, UN-Habitat and Urban Innovative Actions or in the framework of INTERREG projects.