Validated Expert info
Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:
- The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities
- Thematic expertise:
> Circular Economy
> Climate Adaptation
> Energy Transition
> Knowledge Economy
> Social Innovation
- Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
> Integrated and participatory design of strategies
> Sustaining engagement of stakeholders and translating strategies into actions
You might say that I am a seasoned Urbact expert and fan: Since 2008 I worked as lead expert for four different Urbact networks, for several more as thematic expert, and I helped organising Urbact summer universities and festivals. I can add value to your network by designing, leading and creating innovative, interactive and playful settings. No boring plenary sessions with endless powerpoints but dynamic social working methods where people really learn and have fun. I find it very enjoyable to work with people from diverse backgrounds and achieve results together. The challenges we face in Europe are similar, yet places are different, it is always fascinating to me to learn from each other across Europe and develop approaches that work locally. I am personally strongly motivated to contribute to positive changes in cities towards more sustainability and inclusion. This is a daunting challenge and asks for “next level” creativity, innovation and collaboration. I want to help people in cities and urban stakeholders to make such transformations happen, and I believe that I can be of value with my knowledge, skills and experience. I always go for the positive vibe, and I believe that many problems can be solved with humor, patience and real listening.
Besides my moderation and session design skills I have broad knowledge about urban challenges, integrated and participative approaches, and European urban policy. My main thematic expertise is in urban sustainable development and economic development: climate change, new economic development models, circular economy, energy transformation, knowledge economy. Last but not least, I love swimming, cycling, hiking, running, cooking, reading & writing!