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With the approval of the URBACT IV Programme (2021 - 2027), the first opportunity to apply for an Action Planning Network is just around the corner.
While the call for these networks will open in January 2023, URBACT provides cities today with a platform to exchange, learn about other’s project ideas and do some good old matchmaking: the Partner Search Tool.
Action Planning Networks are made of 8 - 10 city partners of all sizes — municipalities, local authorities, specialised development agencies and metropolitan or regional institutions — mixing different EU countries, from all types of regions. They are led by a city administration that plays the role of the Lead Partner together with a Validated URBACT Expert, steering the way towards change for better cities.
The partners will embark on a 2.5 years journey to tackle a specific urban challenge — common to all involved cities — or improve local policies related to a certain topic. When it comes to contemporary cities, there’s a myriad of subjects that networks can work with. URBACT has always encouraged cities to favour subjects that are relevant to the intended partners.
For the next call it will be no different, with the exception that this time around the programme is pushing potential beneficiaries to take into account three transversal thematic angles: green, gender and digital. Weather your city aims to address mobility issues, cultural heritage, financial engineering, energy transition or any other topic, URBACT invites you to take the extra mile and consider how these holistic themes can be part of the problem — or even the solution.
As the call approaches, you will be able to update and change the information from your project idea. Once you found all the partners you need, you flag that your partnership is complete, so you don’t receive any other expressions of interest.
Aspiring URBACT IV Lead Experts can also get ready: the call for Validated Experts will open by the end of this month. So stay tuned for more!
You can use the filters from the Partner Search Tool to find a good fit for your city. So, browse around, submit ideas or express your interest to a suitable project!