URBACT Good Practices

257 results
  • Kazincbarcika / Hungary

    Cooperation between generations for urban social renewal

    A local initiative connecting pensioners and the young, now extended throughout the town

  • Bari / Italy

    SPAZIO 13 - Creative Hub for urban regeneration

    Transforming a former disused school into a Creative Hub as part of (sub)urban regeneration process.

  • Adelfia / Italy

    Music 'n' Play

    An orchestra for social inclusion, using music to bring diversities together and break down prejudice

    Previously transferred See more
  • Barcelona / Spain

    Intermediation service for people in the process of evictions and occupancies

    Urgent, coordinated support for people at risk of becoming homeless

  • Gdańsk / Poland

    So stay hotel

    A socially responsible hotel to train young people leaving foster care for adult life