Common Sense

25/11/2009 31/12/2012


Please note that this projet ended after the Development Phase.Common Sense is an innovative European platform of Managing Authorities and Cities who want to jointly create new opportunities for cities starting from their own responsibilities. By reinforcing their cooperation, the Managing Authorities and Cities intend to stimulate the effort and effectiveness of the European resources in the cities in order to get a better implementation of an integrated and a sustainable urban development.

Logo Common sense



At the moment all European cities are faced with the impact of the financial and economic crisis. Moreover, the impact of the climate change becomes more and more important for urban development. Only by a close substantive cooperation between governments of all levels, on the basis of an integrated and durable urban policy, solutions for the current problems can be found.

Through the global economic crisis, the European society is faced with quite a task. The security of jobs and income is at stake, companies have a difficult time, and particularly in the disadvantaged districts in the large cities the impact of the crisis becomes clearly visible. An integrated district approach must stay in line with other stimulation measures to restore the economy in the short run. It is very important to guarantee social cohesion in the downtowns by stimulating entrepreneurship in the districts and the economic resistance of the districts. For that purpose educational deprivation needs to be eliminated and socio-cultural tensions must be prevented. By raising the demand for volunteers and the participation of citizens, the quality of life is not only reinforced in the inner city districts, but also the social security and the feeling of security are raised. These measures cost much money and ask for an effective cooperation on a European level.


Lead Partner : Regione Sicilia - Italy
  • Regione Lazio - Italy
  • Brasov - Romania
  • Province Of Namur - Belgium
  • Sofia - Bulgaria


Project launch

Project completed


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