Music schools for social change

19/09/2022 19/09/2022


Thirteen years ago, the EMMCA was founded in L'Hospitalet as a new model of music school that uses music as a tool for inclusion and social change. The ONSTAGE Transfer network follows the Good Practices, which has an innovative methodology engaging civic society. Making a difference from traditional music schools, the project gives equal opportunities to all inhabitants of L’Hospitalet to access music courses, involves primary schools and creates a space for social cohesion, tackling local issues such as exclusion, youth unemployment and school dropout.


LEAD PARTNER : L'Hospitalet de Llobregat - Spain
  • Aarhus - Denmark
  • Brno - Czech Republic
  • Katowice - Poland
  • Adelfia - Italy
  • Valongo - Portugal
  • Grigny - France


Kick-off meeting


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