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  • News
    EU Regions Week 2024

    Eiropas Reģionu un Pilsētu nedēļa šogad norisināsies no 7. līdz 10. oktobrim Briselē

    Reģistrācija Eiropas Reģionu un Pilsētu nedēļai ir atvērta! Tas ir lielākais ikgadējais pasākums, kas veltīts reģioniem, pilsētām un Eiropas kohēzijas politikai. Nedēļas laikā norisināsies ap 200

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    Logo der Urban Agenda für die EU

    Zwei neue Partnerschaften im Rahmen der Urbanen Agenda der EU in Vorbereitung

    Nationale Infoveranstaltung zur Bewerbung am 11. September 2024 im Online Format: zu den Themen "Wassersensible Stadt" und "Dekarbonisierung von Gebäuden: integrierte Sanierungsprogramme und lokale

  • Articles
    Group picture of the C4TALENT Network

    C4TALENT: where big talent and smaller cities intersect

    What makes a city attractive to jobseekers? The C4TALENT Network gives a boost to European cities looking to attract and retain talent.

  • News

    Clermont Innovation Week 2024 under the banner of gender equality

    The Clermont Innovation Week (CIW) was back from 2 to 11 April 2024. This week of events, coordinated by Clermont Auvergne Metropole, puts the spotlight on science and innovation, with a rich program

  • News

    International Biodiversity Day Celebrated in Sarajevo: Interactive Lecture, Planting, and Intergenerational Gathering

    Sarajevo, May 22, 2024 – As part of the Urbact program and the "BiodiverCity" project, sponsored by the European Union, the City of Sarajevo organized the celebration of International Biodiversity Day

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    The bird-watching station

    The bird-watching station 🐦 with an experiential platform is an educational and pedagogical structure along the Dravinja Learning Path, which is part of the Municipality of Poljčane's vision towards

  • Articles
    LET'S GO CIRCULAR! site visit at CleanR in Riga

    Tech and creativity in the circular economy

    The ten partner cities of LET'S GO CIRCULAR! are planning their actions and taking step by step - on their journey towards circularity, paving the way for further European cities. In spring and summer

  • Βρίσκεται το μοντέλο της συμπαγούς πόλης σε κίνδυνο;

    Τρία Δίκτυα Σχεδιασμού Δράσεων του προγράμματος URBACT (2019-2022) ένωσαν τις δυνάμεις τους για να μοιραστούν έμπνευση, γνώσεις και χρήσιμες πρακτικές σχετικά με την ποιοτική αναβάθμιση της βιωματικής