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    Quality Brands and Sustainable Food Systems

    In April 1957, the BBC broadcasted a short report showing a Swiss family harvesting their spaghetti crop from the family tree. Numerous viewers called the station after the coverage, interested in

  • Vysádzanie stromov podporuje mestskú odolnosť a participáciu: inšpiratívny príklad z mesta Burgas (Bulharsko)

    Aby mesto Burgas pomohlo zmierniť následky závažných povodní, otestovalo nové, úspešné formy zapojenia občanov. Vyzbrojené zásobou stromov vybudovalo podporu na zlepšenie odolnosti miest

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    A Tale of Two Cities. Transfer Stories from East and West.

    Two German cities are currently lead partners in the 23 URBACT transfer networks. Altena in North Rhine-Westphalia and Chemnitz in Saxony. Altena shared its best practices on how to develop

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    Enhancing the care of the city: Naples Transfer Story

    In 2018 the city of Naples was awarded by URBACT for its model of “civic uses”, a policy tool that enables communities of citizens to manage and take care of public assets – known as urban commons  – 

  • Articles

    Swarming Management as an important part of urban beekeeping

    Swarming management and adaptation of citizens to the habits of city bees was the topic of the international round table hosted by the city of Cesena on the 23rd of March 2021. After an introduction

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    Loures Municipality joined the RU:RBAN project with great enthusiasm because it is a project well adapted to the physical characteristics of its territory, its urban occupation and citizens needs and

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    Gardening has wider impacts on the city that one would expect…

    Implementing community gardens can be highly beneficial for a city not only for environmental purposes but also for social ones: to fight

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    The children of Thessaloniki participated in two workshops organized by Kedith, the agency for the city of Thessaloniki involved in the implementation of RU:RBAN in the Greek city, on the 26th of

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    A Tale of Two Cities. Transfer Stories from East and West.

    Two German cities are currently lead partners in the 23 URBACT Transfer Networks. Altena in North Rhine-Westphalia and Chemnitz in Saxony. Altena shared its best practices on how to develop