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  • Feeding a Cooperative Food Network in a Time of Pandemic

    This article presents brief comments on three ideas that describe the state of mind of the FOOD CORRIDORS network just before giving way to the final period of a project that has seen the light and

  • Cum își implică Aradul cetățenii în crearea de spații pentru oameni

    Orașul Arad găzduiește 176.000 de locuitori și este localizat foarte aproape de Ungaria, precum și aproape de granița cu Serbia. Acest context conferă Aradului o poziție cheie pentru conexiunile

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    “Experience is the best teacher”

    Experience is the best teacher” – learning through Case Studies about methods to use technology and innovative business models to improve Urban Development in small cities

    By Eurico Neves, Lead Expert

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    Το URBACT γίνεται (ακόμα) πιο πράσινο

    Κλιματική Αλλαγή

    Από ένα φεστιβάλ με ουδέτερο ισοζύγιο άνθρακα έως τo νέο URBACT IV για την υποστήριξη των πόλεων, το URBACT ενισχύει τη δέσμευσή του για απαλλαγή από τον άνθρακα σε όλα τα επίπεδα.

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    Ko piedāvā jaunā URBACT IV programma?

    Jaunā URBACT IV programma 2021. – 2027. gadam koncentrēsies uz atbalstu ES pilsētām un pašvaldībām, nodrošinot iespējas pašvaldībām no visas ES sadarboties, mācīties vienai no otras, pārņemt citu

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    Network of 5 European port cities come together to promote innovation in the blue economy

    The BluAct Network aims to inspire the four new partner cities in the Second Wave of the Network to learn from the experience of Piraeus and hold entrepreneurship competitions to support local

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    Exploring new models for cultural participation in Dublin

    Dublin City Council Culture Company is delighted to represent Dublin as part of the ACCESS Culture For All network, a partnership of eight European capital cities which supports integrated sustainable

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    Vilnius URBACT Local Group presented findings of two studie

    Vilnius URBACT Local Group, in alignment with Vilnius City Administration, made a significant progress on ACCESS project activities and planned outputs.

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    Rocking pilot activities in Kopli

    Within our SSAs we had set up four activity days which we will write about now. The first two were culture bus days for the neighborhood in North-Tallinn, our pilot area – Kopli. Targeted mostly to