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    Twee Belgische steden treden begin 2021 toe tot de nieuwe URBACT-netwerken: Moeskroen en Seraing

    Tijdens de vergadering van het URBACT-toezichtcomité van 9 maart 2021 zijn na een evaluatie van de verschillende ontvangen voorstellen verscheidene nieuwe netwerken geselecteerd. De steden Seraing en

  • Articles

    Samenvatting van de verschillende eindevenementen van de overdrachtsnetwerken

    => Focus op Belgische steden

  • Wie reaktiviert man leerstehende, sanierungsbedürftige Wohngebäude?

    ALT/BAU - Alternative Building Activation Units, Webinar zum Aufbau von Strukturen und Kompetenzen, 19. April 2021

  • Articles

    Récapitulatif des différents événements finaux des réseaux de transfert

    For URBACT, print and digital communication can be a powerful tool to inspire cities. Information about other cities — or activities in their own city — can make policymakers think differently

  • News

    UIA Transfer Mechanism: five pilot projects ready to take off!

    Urban Innovative Actions and URBACT come together to put into practices the lessons learnt from the Transfer Networks. 

  • Articles

    Covid's Silver Lining: Carbon Saving

    Adapting to life in a pandemic has not been easy in both our work and home life, with positives few and far between. As the C-change project works closely alongside arts and cultural organisations

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    Storytelling, a powerful tool in the quest for a circular economy!

    In our 3rd transnational meeting, hosted by the City of Oslo, we did not only get an insight into the Role of the City and the workings of their mini recycling stations. 
    We also paid attention to

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    HEALTHY CITIES: A várostervezés és az egészség összekapcsolása


    Szinte minden várostervezési politika és intézkedés hatással van az emberi egészségre. Ön kerékpárral vagy autóval jár munkába? Kapcsolatba lép közben

  • Articles

    CITIES4CSR: What's new? An Overview of the project activities from November 2020 to February 2021

    From November 2020, the main activites of CITIES4CSR project were concentrated on the delivery of Integrated Action Plan (IAP) roadmaps, mapping out each city partner’s plan  towards IAP delivery and