All URBACT articles

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  • Articles

    Ali javni prostori spodbujajo enakost spolov v mestih?

    Kako naj se deklice, dekleta in ženske samozavestno in brezskrbno gibljejo po javnih površinah v mestih, kjerkoli in kadarkoli? Kako načrtovanje, oblikovanje in urejanje urbanega okolja vpliva na

  • Articles

    Kde získat chytrá data pro regionální rozvoj?

    Ve společnosti roste množství dat, zvyšuje se tedy potřeba je sbírat cíleně a výběrově, ale zároveň využívat již existující datové zdroje a propojovat je navzájem.

  • Social cohesion
    10 times URBACT has driven change for Gender Equal Cities - COVER

    10 times URBACT has driven change for Gender Equal Cities

    Throughout the years, URBACT has led the way towards gender equality. The experience from cities bears witness of change.

  • Articles
    Can urban public space foster equality in cities_COVER

    Can urban public spaces foster equality in cities?

    In the lead up to the International Women’s Day, let’s look into this question and much more.

  • News


    Vitajte! Sme radi, že ste si našli čas na novinky zo sveta operačného programu URBACT.

  • Local economy
    Participative governance
    Climate action

    URBACT launches a training for cities to "Keep Up with the Digital Transition"

    A brand-new Moodle course on a key crosscutting theme of the URBACT programme. 

  • News


    Nemali ste príležitosť zúčastniť sa fyzických informačných dní?  Nevadí! 


  • Articles
    children rainbow

    A summer full of initiatives that seek to change the rules

    Summer 2022, covid-19 permitting, saw a lot of initiatives to start sharing the common spaces of cities again with a new inclusive spirit and eager to change the rules.

  • Nataliya Lazarenko at the URBACT City Festival - COVER

    How Ukrainian cities stand up a year after Russia’s invasion?

    A year after the Russian invasion in Ukraine, URBACT takes the opportunity to interview Nataliya Lazarenko from the Association of Ukrainian Cities.