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  • Articles

    The Dublin Cultural Audit and Map project

    The Dublin Cultural Audit and Map project was developed to add to the local authoritys knowledge base, to inform decisions by the city council departments, planners and strategists. This intelligence

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    European capital cities leading the urban agenda for cultural inclusion

    Eight cities are collaborating in a newly established network named ACCESS, funded by URBACT, an EU programme to develop sustainable solutions to urban challenges. The aim is to bring about a real

  • Articles

    The digital transformation of the mobility systems and services in Trikala, Greece

    Trikala, a city of 81.000 citizens in Greece, is an old ‘smart story’ with several correlated projects being implemented in an attempt to meet the social interest and the municipal strategic vision

  • Articles

    Az Autómentes sugárút sikere Tartuban

    Tartu Autómentes sugárútja ösztönözte a gazdaságot és arra biztatta a városlakókat, hogy élvezzék ki a biztonságos tér adta új lehetőségeket!

  • Articles

    Vaslui și Alba Iulia – orașe finaliste în competiția internațională "Cities of Tomorrow"

    Vaslui și Alba Iulia au fost desemnate printre orașele finaliste la concursul international „Orașele de mâine”. Cele două administrații publice locale s-au remarcat cu proiecte dezvoltate în cadrul

  • Articles

    Betekintés az URGE hálózat munkájába: tematikus jelentés

    Összegzés az URGE hálózat „Bayernkaserne” kísérleti projektjének tapasztalatairól: A szabályozási és szabványosítási igények, mint a körforgásos gazdaság előmozdításának mozgatórugói az építőiparban.

  • Articles

    Christmas Pop-Up Shops in Altena

    The Lead Partner of URBACT's network re-growCity filled empty stores with manufacturers of Christmas decoration instead of a Christmas market (which was forbidden in 2020 because of Corona).

    "We made a

  • Latvijas pilsētas pretendēs uz titulu “Eiropas kultūras galvaspilsēta 2027’’

    Jau otro reizi Latvijas pilsētām ir iespēja cīnīties par Eiropas kultūras galvaspilsētas titulu 2027. gadā! Pagaidām interesi iesniegt pieteikumus Eiropas kultūras galvaspilsētas titula iegūšanai

  • A very collaborative 2nd Transnational meeting!

    Our second transnational meeting was hosted by the city of Vila Nova de Famalicao and took place online on 25th & 26th November. The meeting focussed on the topic of collaboration and looked at ways