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    How Santa Pola has strengthened communication with the local associative network through the development of updated database of associations and NGOs

    Santa Pola is a Mediterranean city located on the south-west coast of Spain. With more than 32,000 inhabitants, the municipality has a very active associative network, that has grown extremely fast in

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    Zanedbaný priestor v Meste Prešov s názvom "mestská oáza" dostane novú podobu

    Nový vzhľad areálu bývalej mestskej oázy na Okružnej ulici v Prešove vzišiel z návrhovej súťaže kreativity. Víťazný návrh počíta s oživením celého priestoru a je ľahko realizovateľný. 

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    The relationship between walkability and urban green spaces

    The relationship between walkability and urban green spaces – presentation at the 2nd Health&Greenspace Conference by Samu Szemerey, Lechner Knowledge Centre, The Hungarian Contemporary Architecture

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    Planning and designing green spaces for health and well-being

    Planning and designing green spaces for health and well-being. Presentation by Owen Douglas, The Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly (EMRA, Ireland) at our 2nd Health & Greenspace Academy

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    Promoting walkability and street life in cities

    The URBACT Space4People Network and promoting walkability and street life in cities. Presentation by Claus Köllinger, Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR, at our 2nd Health & Greenspace Academy

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    Pushing boundaries and doing the impossible

    What about expectations and learnings from our partners in APN GenderedLandscape? Is it about pushing boundaries and handling the impossible? Find out more in this series of interviews with all our

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    Small Talk - Great Impact

    The founding of the Climate Café was born from the restrictions created by the COVID pandemic, we too - like so many others - were affected and had to rethink how to proceed. Especially since we were

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    Οι πόλεις δηλώνουν: «Μιλήστε μαζί μας!»

    Η πανδημία έπληξε βαρύτατα την αστική ζωή: η έλλειψη στέγης συνεχίζει να αυξάνεται, τα ποσοστά ανεργίας εκτοξεύονται και οι τοπικές εταιρείες αγωνίζονται να επιβιώσουν με την υποστήριξη κυβερνητικών

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    Община Разлог с водеща роля в мрежа по УРБАКТ

    Община Разлог с втора работна среща с УРБАКТ в изпълнение на проект „Интернет на нещата като инструмент на политиката за промяна в града“