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  • UNESCO global education meeting

    “At a time when countries are making difficult choices and trade-offs to turn societies around, education must be our top priority, our pillar for recovery”, Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General.

  • Missed job shadowing in Birmingham - Łódź Blog Entry

    In the third week of March 2020, our Job Shadowing was supposed to take place in Birmingham. It had a special importance for us because we were to be able to see in practice what the community

  • Le esperienze delle città di Anversa, Prato e Roma nell’evento organizzato da ANCI durante la EU Week of Cities and Regions

    L’attuale ciclo di programmazione ha visto emergere in maniera sempre più strutturata la creazione di reti di città a livello europeo. L’evento organizzato da ANCI durante la European Week of Cities

  • Articles

    Digitālais forums ES pilsētām - “Kultūra un kultūras mantojums Eiropā: stiprināt, veicināt un attīstīt”

     Kultūra un kultūras mantojums ir svarīgi stūrakmeņi mūsu dzīves vides ilgtspējīgai attīstībai. Kultūras mantojums kā resurss un potenciāls godīgu, zaļu un produktīvu pilsētu veidošanai ļoti ietekmē

  • Articles

    Κατάρτιση στον Ανθρακικό Αλφαβητισμό - μια εμπνευσμένη προσέγγιση για τις πόλεις

    Πώς να χτίσετε γέφυρες κατανόησης ως εφαλτήριο των τοπικών δράσεων για την κλιματική αλλαγή

  • Articles

    Como pode o transporte contribuir para que o espaço público responda às necessidades das pessoas?

    Space4People, desafiando a utilização do espaço público!

  • Articles

    Die erste URBACT e-University: Highlights der Eventreihe und frei verfügbares Informationsmaterial

    Lesen Sie mehr zu den sechs Highlights der e-University – der ersten groß angelegten Online-Veranstaltung zum Aufbau digitaler Strukturen und Kompetenzen für Städte im Rahmen von URBACT!

  • Health & Greenspace Baseline Study

    Read the Baseline Study for the Health & Greenspace Network!