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  • Articles

    Tartu's 'Food Share Cabinet' Success

    Tartu, part of the Zero Carbon Cities network provides an update on their most recent small scale action involving citizens on their zero carbon journey.

    84, 000 tons of food is wasted in Estonia every

  • Articles

    Νέα από τις πόλεις και τα δίκτυα μας - Σεπτέμβριος 2021

    Οι πιο πρόσφατες ιστορίες από τις πόλεις και τα δίκτυα μας, από τις ψηφιακές επιχειρήσεις έως τη μετατόπιση της παραγωγής τροφίμων.

  • Mouans Sartoux Welcomes its Partners

    The relevance of the Kick-Off Meeting (KOM) lies in the experience of the Project Partners who get to taste, visualize and believe in the mission they embarked on. And this is marvelous in the case of

  • Articles

    La strada verso la COP26: il cambiamento climatico al centro delle città URBACT di tutte le dimensioni

    I comuni e le città devono incrementare le azioni locali per ridurre le emissioni di carbonio e combattere il cambiamento climatico. Tre città URBACT mostrano come...

  • News
    This is Europe logo

    ‘Feeding our future generations’ podcast

    Tune in for the third episode of Interreg’s ‘This is Europe’ podcast series, talking about ‘Feeding our future generations’!

  • Articles

    Messina becoming a "garden city" - the ForestaME project

    Urban forestry is today at the top of the agendas of the great cities of the planet and Messina is a candidate to become one of the protagonist cities of a great campaign to reverse climate change in

  • Articles

    100 Climate-neutral Cities by 2030 – by and for the Citizens

    What are EU Missions?

    EU Missions are a new way to bring concrete solutions to some of our greatest challenges. They have ambitious goals and will deliver concrete results by 2030 .

    They will deliver

  • Articles

    Missa inte dessa sessioner på årets European week 11 till 14 oktober

    I år går den 19:e European week, för regioner och städer, av stapeln. Det blir i år online från 11 till 14 oktober 2021.

    Under veckan kommer URBACT -talare att presentera sina erfarenheter och kunskap

  • Látogatások a CO4CITIES partnervárosainál: betekintés az transzfer tervbe

    2021 júniusától Polyák Levente, a CO4CITIES vezető szakértője a Transzferhálózatban részt vevő valamennyi várost meglátogatta a helyi érdekeltek aktív közreműködésével, hogy megvitassák a transzfer