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  • Articles

    Thematic report: Using Urban Greenery to Improve Air Quality

    This thematic report discusses improving air quality with greenery.

  • Articles

    Debating the future of Schiedam

    The future of the city of Schiedam is a recurring topic in the city council and the executive board and, of course, also in the city. These views and discussions have been reflected in the city vision

  • What did the URBACT partners in Ireland get up to in 2021 - PART 2

    In part 2 of What did the URBACT partners in Ireland get up to in 2021 we look at the activities of Tourism Friendly Cities, iPlace, RU:RBAN, Global Goals for Cities and the Playful Towns National

  • Articles

    The Vilawatt-UTM project starts the Adaptation Period by sharing the urban energy transition experiences from Nagykanizsa

    The third transnational meeting (TM3 – 16-18 November) has once again brought together the partner cities of the Vilawatt UIA-URBACT Transfer Mechanism (Vilawatt-UTM) project online to start the

  • Articles

    "Top Tips for a Tech Ecosystem"

     Top Tips for a Tech Ecosystem by Alison Partridge, Ad Hoc URBACT expert

    How can cities support the development of a tech ecosystem? Ceri Batchelder, URBACT expert, shared ten tips of what cities can

  • Articles

    Οι πόλεις πρέπει να επανεξετάσουν τις δημόσιες συμβάσεις για μια υγιέστερη οικονομική ανάκαμψη

    Δέκα συμβουλές για στρατηγικές ολοκληρωμένων δημόσιων συμβάσεων που θα βοηθήσουν τις τοπικές οικονομίες να ανακάμψουν ισχυρότερες.

  • What did the URBACT partners in Ireland get up to in 2021 - PART 1

    It's been another eventful year for Ireland's URBACT networks. They've weathered the changing COVID situations and adapted to implement their actions through a range of virtual and real life solutions

  • Articles

    e-University 2022: Vom integrierten Handlungskonzept in die praktische Umsetzung

    Auch dieses Jahr arbeiteten teilnehmende URBACT-Städte der e-University vom 1.-3. Februar 2022 in innovativen und interaktiven Formaten an partizipativen Strategien und Methoden und tauschten sich zu

  • Articles

    »Poletna ulica« Turku – poskusna ureditev javnega prostora v mestnem središču

    Turku je s 193.200 prebivalci tretje največje mesto na Finskem. Nahaja se ob Baltskem morju in je dobro povezan z okoliškimi državami v baltski regiji.