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  • Articles

    City video URGE: Kavala

    The fourth of a series of city videos of URGE - the URBACT Action Planning Network on the theme of Circular building cities.

  • Articles

    Maruška Markovčič: »Najprej je treba poskrbeti, da se skupnost poveže«

    Maruška Markovčič je na Mestni občini Ljubljana zaposlena od leta 1999. Na Oddelku za varstvo okolja, Odseku za razvoj podeželja, si prizadeva za samooskrbo Ljubljane in ohranjanje kmeta na zemlji

  • Articles

    Play for Solidarity - How Playful cities are using games to make cities more inclusive and reduce inequalities

    An article written by URBACT Expert Simone d’Antonio

  • Change in the local administration: where a little magic string goes a long way

    „Innovation is a natural way to find new solutions to old problems"

  • Articles

    RiConnect themes: Rethinking for adding ecosystem functions

    The continuity and proper functioning of the ecological metabolism is often interrupted by mobility infrastructure. Therefore, rethinking infrastructure can help both protect nature flows and add new

  • Articles

    RiConnect themes: Planning the metropolis

    Rethinking mobility infrastructure offers the opportunity to have a positive impact in the metropolitan scale, through sustainable urban development.

  • Articles

    Community in the making: how to build communities in socialist housing estates?

    "Every house is interesting,” says the motto of the good practice, the Budapest100 festival which involves volunteers and residents to celebrate the built heritage around us for more than ten years

  • Articles

    RiConnect themes: Rethinking for integrating the infrastructure

    How to physically integrate the infrastructure? The goal of our second theme is to ensure that mobility infrastructure is accessible, surrounded by active spaces and without leftover areas.