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  • Articles

    Cities secure sponsorship to offer prizes to aspiring entrepreneurs

    Two European cities that are part of a network that aims to stimulate Blue Growth Entrepreneurship (growth linked to the Marine & Maritime Economy) have secured commercial sponsorship to offer prizes

  • Articles

    Transfer Story: Municipality of Braga and Urban Regeneration Mix project challenge

    A group of citizens resident in the urbanisation around Praceta João Beltrão, in mid-2020, started a movement to show their discontent with the construction works that the municipality of Braga was

  • Articles

    23 Transfer networks: stiamo arrivando alla seconda fase del viaggio!

    25 Paesi sono rappresentati nei 23 network che riuniscono un totale di 161 singoli partner. Circa il 37% dei partner sono nuovi arrivati ​​a URBACT, il che significa che non sono mai stati coinvolti

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    Budoucnost Integrovaných územních investic ITI

    Integrované územní investice, častěji známé jen pod anglickou zkratkou ITI – Integrated Territorial Investment – se dotýkají každodenního života většiny obyvatel Česka, kteří o jejich existenci však

  • Articles

    Legyen a nemek közötti egyenlőség az újrakezdés középpontjában

    Az URBACT szakértője, Sally Kneeshaw ajánlásokat fogalmaz meg azzal kapcsolatban, hogy miként kellene a nemek közötti egyenlőséget a városok Covid járványt követő fellendülésének kulcsfontosságú

  • Articles

    Manchester’s Road to Net Zero 2038

    The Paris Agreement on Climate Change committed countries to restrict carbon emissions so that global temperatures don’t rise more than 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels. With around 70% of

  • Articles

    The world is changing and so is education in Viladecans: ‘360º Education’ has arrived!

    Lately, the world has had to face new challenges that have sprung up unexpectedly, and we have needed quick, effective responses to address changes in the educational sphere, during and after the

  • OPROEP TOT HET INDIENEN VAN PROEFPROJECTEN: Transfernetwerken - tweede golf

    Maak gebruik van de URBACT-Methode om de Goede Praktijken die tijdens de eerste golf van Transfer Networks werden getest te begrijpen, aan te passen en te hergebruiken!

  • APPEL À PROJETS PILOTES : Réseaux de transfert - Deuxième vague

    Utilisez la Méthode URBACT pour comprendre, adapter et réutiliser les Bonnes Pratiques qui ont été testées lors de la première vague de Réseaux de transfert !