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    Sindaci, amministratori locali ed esperti a Rovereto per la presentazione de: Le città sono la soluzione, un viaggio nell’Italia dei Comuni innovativi

    Le esperienze dei Comuni impegnati nelle reti URBACT al centro della presentazione del volume "Le città sono la soluzione" che ha riunito a Rovereto Sindaci, amministratori locali e rappresentanti nel

  • Articles

    Städtepolitik in der EU stärken

    Letzte Veranstaltung der Reihe "Cities Fit for Future“ zeigt, wie Grundsätze der Neuen Leipzig-Charta zur Weiterführung der Urbanen Agenda für die EU beitragen.

  • Articles

    Pět způsobů, jak oživit maloměstské centrum

    Jsou městská centra připravena opět přivítat své návštěvníky? Přinášíme pět řešení, jak zatraktivnit centra malých měst v post-covidové éře. 

  • Dragostea feroce a lui Barnsley te ține pentru totdeauna în inima lui

    Acestea sunt cuvintele, luminate cu neon, care te întâmpină atunci când intri în noul spațiu public al lui Barnsley din centrul orașului.

  • Articles

    Impressive Smart Limerick at Limerick Innovation Virtual Event (Part 2)

    On the 25th and 26th of October the City of Bragança held a Transnational Meeting on the Policy challenge “Innovative and Smart Business”. This TNM was only the first part of the event

  • Articles

    Impressive Smart Limerick at Limerick Innovation Virtual Event (Part 1)

    On the 25th and 26th of October the City of Bragança held a Transnational Meeting on the Policy challenge “Innovative and Smart Business”. This TNM was only the first part of the event focused on

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    Grosuplje želi uvesti igriv pristop k razvoju mesta

    Grosuplje spoznalo igralno kulturo italijanskega Vidma.

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    Tiny Practical Steps for change: TransNational Meeting in Wroclaw, Poland

    The 2nd Meeting of the BioCanteens#2 Transfer Network took place in Wroclaw, from the 22nd  to the 25th of November, under the theme "Micro Good Practices". The meeting gathered the four project staff

  • Articles

    URBACT wünscht frohe Weihnachten und freut sich auf ein spannendes Jahr 2022!

    2021 war erneut ein turbulentes Jahr: Beruflicher wie privater Alltag standen für viele weiterhin unter großen Beeinträchtigungen aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie. Dabei lebt gerade die Arbeit im Kontext