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  • Gender gaps in education and labour market outcomes – where do they come from?

    The topic for the March master class session with the network partners was Labour market segregation, and the first speaker joining us was Anna Sjögren who is an economist working at IFAU in Sweden

  • A HERO'S JOURNEY through the land of dragons

    Nyirbator's Transfer Story

  • Melgaço’s Transfer Story Report

    1. Planning a long wanted and challenging voyage.
    Understanding the practice
    Melgaço is the most northern municipality of Portugal, bordering on Galicia in Spain.
    It covers a territory of 238 Km2 and has

  • Transfer Story Idrija

    Through few chapters we are explaining how we transferred good practice and established our Towns’ living room. And also explaining what were the important steps and learnings from the whole transfer

  • Transfer Story Manresa

    La Canal

    Executive Summary
    These Transfer Stories explain in 4 chapters how the Stellwerk practice
    arrived at Manresa and how it was transferred and implemented in a
    new NGO platform called La Canal.

  • Articles

    Travelling Without Moving - A new chapter for digital study visits

    Travelling Without Moving - A new chapter for digital study visits

  • Articles

    Athy Transfer Story: Volunteering at its best

    Athy ULG has a wonderful story to tell about volunteering and intergenerational work with the Good Practice and volunteerism to the fore supporting our older people within our society due to the