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    Become an URBACT Good Practice City! Call for Good Practices 15 April-30 June 2024.

    URBACT Good Practices: What’s in a name?

    Cities need to meet these four criteria to be recognised as an URBACT Good Practice.

  • Articles

    “Green placemaking” – Why communication and engagement is key in changing the way we think about urban green spaces

    Many cities around the world are experimenting with engaging residents in green space
    maintenance and at the same time, communicating about the benefits of nature, nudging locals to
    a more pro

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    "All things, to all people, at all times", the Cities@Heart Baseline Study

    Covering themes from nightlife to the circular economy, the 30 URBACT IV Action Planning Networks began their journey of integrated urban development in June 2023. This baseline study, conducted from

  • Articles
    A group of people standing in the forest in front of an art installation depicting a spider

    Reflections after the second and third transnational meetings in Cehegin and Onda - Cehegín perspective


    The second and third international meetings of the URBACT GreenPlace network took place on March 11-14 in Spain. This event, organized in cooperation with another Spanish city, Onda, provided a

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    Urbane rešitve v konfliktih: Ukrajinska mesta odslej v programu URBACT

    Teče že tretje leto ruske invazije na Ukrajino. Ukrajinska mesta so še vedno na fronti oboroženega spopada in se soočajo s posledicami in motnjami v vsakdanjem življenju.

    Vse od začetka vojne so bila

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    Nabór na Dobre Praktyki URBACT otwarty!

    W ramach trwającego od 15 kwietnia do 30 czerwca 2024 r. naboru, program URBACT poszukuje lokalnych dobrych praktyk miejskich.
    Szukamy skutecznych, partycypacyjnych, zintegrowanych i wciąż działających

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    Sel kevadsuvel saab alguse üks lihtsamaid teekondi, et liituda URBACT programmi võrgustikega (üleeuroopaliste linnavõrgustikega kogemuste vahetamiseks).

  • CZ GP banner

    Nová URBACT výzva pro příklady dobré praxe je otevřena!

    V rámci této výzvy, která je pro města otevřena až do 30. června 2024, hledá program URBACT osvědčenou dobrou praxi, která je účinná, participativní, integrovaná, relevantní pro Evropskou unii a