• Meet the partners: interview with Giorgos Michailidis

    [[{"fid":"44973","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Giorgos Michailidis","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"Giorgos Michailidis","field_author[und][0][value]":""},"link_text":null,"type":"media","field_deltas":{"1":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Giorgos Michailidis","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"Giorgos Michailidis","field_author[und][0][value]":""}},"attributes":{"alt":"Giorgos Michailidis","title":"Giorgos Michailidis","height":4322,"width":4322,"style":"margin: 10px; float: right; height: 100px; width: 100px;","class":"media-element file-default","data-delta":"1"}}]]Kavala, on the Northern coast of Greece, is participating in the URGE network that aims to address some of the local challenges. Kavala through URGE also aspires to become a leader in promoting Circularity on a local level in Greece. Giorgos Michailidis Vice Mayor of Development, Planning, Digital Services and Youth, supervising the overall process from the viewpoint of an elected representative.

    City of Utrecht

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  • ‘Housing First’: como duas cidades URBACT na Bélgica implementam o direito à habitação

    Descubra como duas cidades belgas estão a combater o fenómeno das pessoas sem-abrigo como parte da rede URBACT ROOF

    Ana Resende

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  • Gävle utvecklar den urbana hållbarheten

    Nätverket Global Goals for Cities arbetar med Agenda 2030 och de globala målen. Gävle kommun ska tillsammans med 18 andra städer i nätverket under kommande två år skapa och dela kunskap för att utveckla den urbana hållbarheten.

    Anna Dahlén Eckermann

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    The Covid-19 pandemic took Krakow partners to the decision of hosting online their Transnational Meeting last year but left all partners with the desire to travel to the Polish city and see with their own eyes the wonders that have been created in terms of community urban gardens. Well, the Krakow team set themselves in the quest of completing what, in their opinion, was an “unfinished business”: the possibility to welcome all partners in Krakow before the end of the project’s lifetime so that they could see what has been implemented in their city during RU:RBAN.

    Patricia Hernandez

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  • Bogatenje urbane džungle s čebelami: kako je Bydgoszcz prenesel Čebeljo pot iz Ljubljane

    Bydgoszcz, Poljska, 350.000 prebivalcev

    Omrežje: BeePathNet

    MESTO Z DOBRO PRAKSO: Ljubljana (Slovenija)

    MESTA, ki so prenesla dobro prakso: Cesena (Italija), Amarante (Portugalska), Bydgoszcz (Poljska), Nea Propontida (Grčija), 12. okrožje Budimpešte - Hegyvidék (Madžarska)



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  • ON BOARD Project: How did we do it? Discover it in a few clicks!

    The journey we embarked on with ON BOARD towards the destination of educational innovation has reached its end. For nearly three years, we’ve shared experiences among our cities (Halmstad, Albergaria, Tallinn, Viladecans, Nantes and Poznan) and this exchange has filled our ‘luggage’ with learning.


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  • Minőségi védjegyek és a fenntartható élelmiszer rendszerek - Antonio Zafra cikke

    1957 áprilisában, a BBC leadott egy rövid adást, amely egy svájci családot mutatott be, akik spagettit szüreteltek a saját fájukról. Az adás után számos néző hívta érdeklődve a csatornát, hogy hogyan tudnának szerezni egy ilyen fát. Ezt a kis anekdotát Carolyn Steel írta le az „Éhes Város” tényfeltáró cikkében, arra a súlyosbodó jelenségre fókuszálva, miszerint az élelmiszertermelés és a fogyasztók között egyre nagyobb a távolság.


    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • Apstiprināti 7 jauni URBACT projekti – to starpā 3 projekti ar Latvijas partneru dalību

    ES līmeņa pilsētvides attīstības programmas URBACT III Uzraudzības komiteja otrajā konkursā ir apstiprinājusi 7 pārneses tīklu (Transfer Networks) projektus, to starpā arī 3 projektus ar Latvijas partneru dalību: Liepājas dome projekts BluAct, Jelgavas novads – projekts PLAYFUL PARADIGM II un Viļānu novads – projekts Volunteering Cities +.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • A Million Food Stories , by CIM Região de Coimbra

    Food and its entire cycle - from breeding, to cultivation, to production, to cooking, to the table - reflect the cultural experiences and food heritage of a people and its territory. The Coimbra Region is characterised by natural and landscape diversity, the result of physical, biological and historical-cultural influences that have interacted and still interact here, designing the identity of the territory in its various aspects

    One of the basic objectives of the Coimbra Region Intermunicipal Community is to optimise the sustainable development of tourism and the economic activities related to this sector by strengthening and integrating the existing resources and structures in a more organised and integrated way, encouraging and acting towards integrated planning, the creation and promotion of inter-municipal projects which unify the offer and image of the region as a quality destination to live or visit.

    Basically, in the Coimbra Region we see gastronomy not just as a culinary art, but as an area of knowledge, with the potential to bring together the local dynamic, involving producers, consumers, professionals, students, amateurs and ... tourists!

    Vera Lopes

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  • Focus on Women in Tech and Innovation

    The context is very important for taking the step to entrepreneurship as a choice. It includes social, cultural, political, economic, technological aspects. To get more women to choose Entrepreneurship and Tech they should be encouraged to choose entrepreneurial career ways in a wider landscape.

    Elisabeth Lind

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