• Títulos de Impacto Social: o instrumento secreto para serviços públicos eficazes?

    Em tempos de restrições financeiras, as despesas públicas totais com serviços públicos estão a diminuir, enquanto os cidadãos esperam serviços cada vez mais eficazes. Os Títulos de Impacto Social podem ser o instrumento para fornecer fundos e superar a visão de curto prazo, a fragmentação dos serviços e a carência de inovação.

    Ana Resende

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  • France appointed as Managing Authority of URBACT IV

    France will continue to manage the URBACT programme in the 2021-2027 period


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    Warsaw, as one of European cities, has a long list of attractions to visit by the travellers. The most popular places, located mainly in the city centre, attract mostly the tourists who visit the city for the first time. But what if you have been there many times before or you have lived in Warsaw? What if you are interested in tourist attractions different than usual ones? You should visit some hidden and less busy places. A great opportunity to do that was organized in Warsaw on the 4th of October 2020, when the Local Urbact Group, in “Come in!” project, invited tourists and inhabitants to join the city game named “Meet the recesses of Industrial Part of Targówek District”.



    Artur Katai

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  • Establishing connections in intermediate spaces: Policy participation in Ghent

    How the Belgian city is planning a more liveable and sociable urban future

    Gregorio Turolla

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  • «Η xαμένη τέχνη του παιχνιδιού»: μία υγιής λύση για τις μικρές πόλεις σε κρίση;

    Οι πόλεις-εταίροι που συμμετέχουν στα δίκτυα  URBACT προωθούν την υγεία, την ευημερία και τις σχέσεις με την κοινότητα, καθώς η πανδημία του κορονοϊού  κορυφώνεται ξανά.


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  • Viladecans ULG as a driver group

    Viladecans’ Good Practice, the Educational Innovation Network (EIN) was created in 2013, and since then it has been working to develop projects to promote educational innovation and educational success by fostering the collaboration of different city stakeholders mainly, school and teachers, families and companies.


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  • UNESCO global education meeting

    “At a time when countries are making difficult choices and trade-offs to turn societies around, education must be our top priority, our pillar for recovery”, Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General.


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  • Missed job shadowing in Birmingham - Łódź Blog Entry

    In the third week of March 2020, our Job Shadowing was supposed to take place in Birmingham. It had a special importance for us because we were to be able to see in practice what the community connector work is like, which we are inspired by when we improve our good practices to give mediation in Łódź a new dimension in terms of creating neighbourhoods and building an active community.


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  • Reģistrējies starptautiskās tiešsaistes konferencei “Sabiedrības līdzdalība pašvaldību plānošanā: Latvijas prakses izvērtējums un pasaules tendences”

    27.novembrī no plkst. 10:00 – 16:45 domnīca PROVIDUS un Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministrija aicina piedalīties starptautiskā tiešsaistes konferencē “Sabiedrības līdzdalība pašvaldību plānošanā: Latvijas prakses izvērtējums un pasaules tendences”.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • Le esperienze delle città di Anversa, Prato e Roma nell’evento organizzato da ANCI durante la EU Week of Cities and Regions

    L’attuale ciclo di programmazione ha visto emergere in maniera sempre più strutturata la creazione di reti di città a livello europeo. L’evento organizzato da ANCI durante la European Week of Cities and Regions lo scorso 13 ottobre ha messo in evidenza le due dimensioni nelle quali tale fenomeno ha dimostrato di produrre l’impatto più rilevante.


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