• 3.º Encontro Nacional URBACT III – Partilha de experiências em Coimbra

    No passado dia 20 de abril, os parceiros das últimas redes URBACT III encontraram-se em Coimbra para partilharem as suas experiências e darem a conhecer os impactos do programa URBACT nas suas cidades e regiões, num evento promovido pelo Ponto URBACT Nacional, sob a responsabilidade da Direção-Geral do Território, coorganizado com a Comunidade Intermunicipal da Região de Coimbra.


    Maria João Matos

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  • Обществени поръчки за целите на стопанското оцеляване и възстановяване

    Европейските общини трябва да преосмислят системата на обществени поръчки за целите на стопанското оцеляване и възстановяване


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  • Public space: connecting mobility infrastructure to the community

    A journey always starts at the front door of your home, workplace or other location. It doesn't start at the stop where you get on a tram or metro. The Vervoerregio is committed to making door-to-door travel carefree and seamless so that everyone can continue to travel smartly, safely and sustainably. This can only be achieved by working well together and improving, amongst others, the public space leading to mobility services. The Vervoerregio will develop in the coming years as the leading transport authority within our own region and beyond.

    Mikel Berra-Sandín

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  • Mobility: ensuring decarbonisation is at the heart of rethinking our infrastructure

    In the efforts to reduce carbon emissions, mobility is a key issue. Read here how our partner TfGM is promoting a more sustainable mobility model, both by favouring the shift to cleaner modes, and also reducing emissions in all vehicles.

    Mikel Berra-Sandín

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  • Towards more human-scale mobility infrastructures

    Transnational meeting in Baia mare was focused on brokerage and the new role of public administration in boosting social innovation.

    Mikel Berra-Sandín

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  • RiConnect Mid-Term Review – Linking the Metropolitan Agenda with Place-Based Solutions

    In July 2021 RiConnect initiated a mid-term review process with the purpose to reflect on the project status for our eight partners. Here are the views of our Lead Expert, Roland Krebs, on our achievements and the steps to come.


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  • Culture and inclusion: URBACT cities contribute to the EU Urban Agenda

    Music for all, pop-up venues, community museums… URBACT cities help define EU proposals to promote inclusion through culture.

    Laura Colini

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    A great initiative was put in place by the Council of the Carlow County in February this year: two surveys to gather the public’s view on the future vision for the County’s Community Garden and Allotment Policy. In fact, the surveys will be used as part of the Foreword for the aforementioned Policy that is currently under development.

    Patricia Hernandez

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  • SDG Story: Gävle

    Gävle and the other 18 cities (from 19 countries) of the EU URBACT pilot network ”Global Goals in Cities” (GG4C) are already one year into the 20 months project on localising the SDGs.

    Karin Luhaäär

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  • SDG Story: Mouscron

    Just halfway towards our goals following the marked route, the AGRI-URBAN Network (URBACT III Programme) held a transnational meeting in the Swedish city of Södertälje from 21 to 24 May 2017. A turning point in the agenda of this project, the meeting focused on the AGRI-URBAN topics linked to the experience of this city and also put the emphasis on shaping the Integrated Action Plans of all partners of the project with the participation of their respective URBACT Local Groups. Watching this video, produced after the visit, you can discover how inspirational was this Swedish city in the project design and later, fostering innovative actions in other partner cities involved in the development of local food systems.

    Karin Luhaäär

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