Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Word cloud LET'S GO CIRCULAR!

    Shaping Circular Cities: Insights from the Let’s Go Circular! Mid Term Reflection process and open call for action

    In a world where linear consumption drives resource depletion and waste, the ‘’Let’s Go Circular! Paving the way for circular cities’’ (LGC!) network is showing the way forward. This URBACT Action Planning Network, comprising ten diverse cities, is championing circular economy principles to create resilient, resource-efficient urban environments. From Munich to Tirana, these cities are transforming the way they approach consumption, governance, and sustainability.

    The Mid Term Reflection session of the LGC! network, held in October 2024 in Malmo, Sweden, provided a comprehensive overview of efforts to promote circular economy principles across participating cities and beyond. With representatives from ten cities, including Munich, Cluj-Napoca, Malmö, Oulu, Riga, Corfu, Guimaraes, Lisbon, Tirana and Oulu, this initiative aims to embed sustainable circular economy practices into local policies and actions. This article summarizes progress, challenges, and future steps, reflecting the collective ambition to shape greener urban environments.

    Eleni FELEKI

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  • Cover or article from LET'S GO CIRCULAR! on CE awareness and education

    Driving Circular Economy Awareness and Education

    The transition to a circular economy (CE) represents a paradigm shift from traditional linear economic models towards a regenerative system. Cities, as epicenters of consumption and innovation, play a crucial role in fostering awareness and education around circular principles. The article synthesizes insights from the LET’S GO CIRCULAR! Paving the way for circular cities Action Planning Network financed by the URBACT IV programme and from various case studies in Europe, highlighting measures to engage different target groups and foster educational initiatives.

    Eleni FELEKI

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  • Policy Paper LET'S GO CIRCULAR! cover

    Policy paper: cities for a stronger circular economy

    The Action Planning Netwok LET'S GO CIRCULAR! is calling for more support from the European Union (EU) in establishing local circular economies. The partner cities and assigned URBACT Lead Expert Eleni Feleki  have formulated their concerns in a position paper. They are now inviting other cities to support the paper.

    Larissa Kiesel

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  • LET'S GO CIRCULAR! site visit at CleanR in Riga

    Tech and creativity in the circular economy

    The ten partner cities of LET'S GO CIRCULAR! are planning their actions and taking step by step - on their journey towards circularity, paving the way for further European cities. In spring and summer 2024 two more transnational  exchange meetings - in Riga and Oulu -  provided insights into urban strategies, digital tools, business models and examples.

    Larissa Kiesel

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  • Group picture of the network in Guimaraes

    LET'S GO CIRCULAR!: How the action planning starts

    What a first quarter for the LET'S GO CIRCULAR! Action Planning network. We started to discuss approaches on European cities's way to transition from linear to circular economies and shared some first best cases. 

    Larissa Kiesel

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  • LETS GO CIRCULAR! Graphic Recording by Lead Expert Eleni Feleki with main aspects: enable, serve support

    Cities paving the way for a circular transition

    In 2020 and in line with the Communication on the European Green Deal, the European Commission adopted the new Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP 2). The ultimate goal is to stimulate markets for climate-neutral and circular products and services, modernize the EU’s economy and reap the benefits of the transition in the EU and beyond. The seven key areas set by the Commission CEAP 2 to achieve a circular economy are exactly plastics, textiles, e-waste, food, water and nutrients, packaging, batteries and vehicles, buildings and construction.

    Eleni FELEKI

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