Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Thinking and Acting ‘Green’: How the concern for our climate and the environment helps to galvanise urban CSR-Action

    Our current URBACT Action Planning Networks are now moving into full gear. After two years of development, and despite the serious difficulties all municipalities and stakeholders have been facing during the disruptive Covid-19 pandemic, transnational and local action intensifies markedly. This is certainly true for our CITIES4CSR network; the first URBACT-network aiming to create a rich toolbox for civic leaders and administrators in order to engage with local businesses, non-profits and citizens under the ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’-umbrella. On top of the ‘to-do’-lists for our ten partner cities you will find the lesson-drawing from our Small Scale Actions (SSA) and translating these findings directly into local action planning for the Integrated Action Plans (IAP). Yet, which topics have been chosen by the Urban Local Groups that have had the power to not just stimulate interest but truly galvanise SSA-action and cooperation?

    Alessia Dagradi

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  • Ventspils works in the field of digital transformation

    Ventspils works in the field of digital transformation

    Josephine Di Pino

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  • Funding actions and monitoring implementation - key focus points of our action oriented 5th transnational meeting


    By Eileen Crowley, Lead Expert of Resourceful Cities

    It was great to catch up with all our wonderful partners during the 5th transnational meeting of our Resourceful Cities network which took place online,  on 28th & 29th June. This meeting focussed on the topics of funding & resourcing our Integrated Action Plans (IAP) and on developing a monitoring and risk assessment framework.

    Amy Jansen

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  • Getting to know each other: our City Visits

    Between August and September, The Lead Partner's Team had the chance to visit the BioCanteens #2 Partners in their cities: Evora (PT), Wroclaw (PO), Gavà (ES), and Liège (BE). City Visits allowed us to get a bite of the reality of the territory, the political implication, the production and consumption patterns, and the functioning of the school procurement system. Most importantly, it gave us the chance to establish a relationship to perpetuate our fruitful collaboration for the next months.

    With the following paragraphs, we want you to be part of our journey: sharing observations, places, and initiatives.

    Clara Garrone

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  • Vervoerregio Amsterdam

    Our partner Vervoerregio Amsterdam Transport Authority connects 15 municipalities working together on a region where people and places are effectively connected so that everybody can easily reach their destination. 

    Stela Salinas

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