Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • What do European consumers want on their plate today?

    A growing global movement recognizes that the current complexity of food systems based on economies of scale is causing economical, societal and environmental challenges to cities and rural areas. Simultaneously, consumer awareness of food quality, security and health is demanding alternative food systems. The good news is that not only do many farmers want to provide high quality products that are known to be healthy and safe, it is also better business for them. Closer links between rural areas and nearby cities are not only societally and environmentally beneficial, but also ensure regional economic development. Agri-Urban, a new URBACT project, will rethink agri-food production in small and medium-sized cities that have a relative specialization in this area, in order to increase transparency in the European food system. 

    Miguel Sousa

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  • What do European consumers want on their plate today?

    A growing global movement recognizes that the current complexity of food systems based on economies of scale is causing economical, societal and environmental challenges to cities and rural areas. Simultaneously, consumer awareness of food quality, security and health is demanding alternative food systems. The good news is that not only do many farmers want to provide high quality products that are known to be healthy and safe, it is also better business for them. Closer links between rural areas and nearby cities are not only societally and environmentally beneficial, but also ensure regional economic development. Agri-Urban, a new URBACT project, will rethink agri-food production in small and medium-sized cities that have a relative specialization in this area, in order to increase transparency in the European food system. 

    Miguel Sousa

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  • What do European consumers want on their plate today?

    A growing global movement recognizes that the current complexity of food systems based on economies of scale is causing economical, societal and environmental challenges to cities and rural areas. Simultaneously, consumer awareness of food quality, security and health is demanding alternative food systems. The good news is that not only do many farmers want to provide high quality products that are known to be healthy and safe, it is also better business for them. Closer links between rural areas and nearby cities are not only societally and environmentally beneficial, but also ensure regional economic development. Agri-Urban, a new URBACT project, will rethink agri-food production in small and medium-sized cities that have a relative specialization in this area, in order to increase transparency in the European food system. 

    Miguel Sousa

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