Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Biodivercity at the Inclusion4Schools Final Event

    As part of the BiodiverCity URBACT project, the Municipality of Vratsa participated in the final event of the Inclusion4Schools Horizon 2020 project, sharing their expertise in co-design and co-planning methodologies.

    During the event, Vratsa representatives introduced the Urban Local Group (ULG) method, highlighting how collaborative urban planning fosters inclusive and sustainable solutions. Their experience in engaging diverse stakeholders in the co-creation of green and resilient urban spaces resonated with participants, reinforcing the importance of participatory approaches in both education and urban development.

    By bridging social inclusion and environmental sustainability, Vratsa continues to play a key role in shaping people-centered urban policies within the BiodiverCity network.

    András Merza

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  • Katherin Hanlon

    Learnings from FEMACT-Cities: Some tips for effectively implementing gender equality

    Learnings from FEMACT-Cities: Some tips for effectively implementing gender equality

    Mary Dellenbaugh

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  • Digi Inclusion Presentation

    3 Great events to spread the word about Digital Inclusion

    As time goes by, more and more people are suffering from Digital Exclusion. The reason is complex and has many aspects but one could be the difficulty in the speed of transition from and old paradigm to the technological one which causes some citizens not being able to catch up. Another could be the incapacity to afford new technology by some group of citizens but surely talking about it and building strategies to minimize digital exclusion will play a key role in the short and mid-term. Reducing digital divide is precisely the main mission of the Digi Inclusion network.


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  • 2Nite_Torino Meeting_cover

    Torino (IT), 27th – 29th Nov 2024 - 2nite Study Visit

    2Nite First Transnational Meeting: Learning from Torino

    Giulia Datta

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  • SCHOOLHOOD’s third stop on its journey to safe, green and happy ways to school

    Vasilis Koutalas

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  • Piraeus Unites European Cities for Safer Urban Spaces

    January 30 & 31, 2025 | Piraeus

    First Transnational Meeting 


    Dimitra Kounavi

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