Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Portrait Series #7 : Amidst War and Displacement: Mykola's Story and the Vision for Mariupol's Future

    Mykola, who lived in Mariupol (Ukraine) his entire life, was the Head of the Investment and Project Management Department for the municipality. His life changed dramatically on 24 February 2022, when Russia invaded the country. Mariupol was a key target due to its strategic location, controlling 80% of Ukraine's coastline on the Sea of Azov and linking occupied territories in Donbas and Crimea.

    Sarah Simonin

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  • GenProcure group photo

    10 Key Lessons from the GenProcure Network so far

    The GenProcure Action Planning Network (APN) is one of 30 such APN’s resourced through the URBACT Programme. Commencing in June 2023, and composing of 9 Partners, GenProcure is focused upon the topic of Gender Responsive Public Procurement. GenProcure is particularly seeking to ensure that as part of the design, tendering, decision-making and delivery of Procurement exercises, that our Partners consider the implications for Gender Equality and how Procurement can be utilised to address wider inequality.


    At the mid-point of the Network in December 2024, we have met collaboratively 8 times to discuss themes associated with Gender Responsive Public Procurement; our Partners have tested ideas such as Spend Analysis and inserting Gender Criteria in specific Procurement’s; and our Partners have started to draft Integrated Action Plans that will shape their practice around Gender Responsive Public Procurement into the future.


    Collectively, we have learnt a lot so far, and in this article, we outline 10 key lessons so far!

    Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson

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  • Cities After Dark - #3 Quarterly Journal

    Nuno Almeida

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  • COPE Network's Green Initiative in Pombal: A Step Towards Sustainable Transformation

    Rannvá Pállson Joensen

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  • Have you heard about the Berlin Urban Nature Pact?

    Joining this new initiative to promote biodiversity in your city is perhaps the best New Year's Resolution your municipality should do…


    The Berlin Urban Nature Pact is an alliance of cities to implement global biodiversity goals locally. Signatory cities will implement targeted and visible actions, projects, and processes by 2030. Watch their short video here.

    Ferenc Szigeti-Böröcz

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  • CSG

    Cities for Sustainability Governance: A Governance Styles Toolbox

    By Louis Meuleman, 07/01/2025

    Karin Luhaäär

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