Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • 3rd TNM in Portugal, an exercise in projecting towards a future without social isolation issues

    3rd TNM in Portugal, an exercise in projecting towards a future without social isolation issues

    February 20th and 21st marked the holding of the 3rd Transnational Meeting "Breaking Isolation" in Pombal, Portugal, bringing together the 10 delegations from the Urbact program.

    Barbara Gautherie

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  • Webinar #2: Understanding safe and sustainable school travel - Recording and presentations are now available!

    Vasilis Koutalas

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  • EcoCore - Santo Tirso Core Network Meeting Report

    For the first time since meeting in Balbriggan, Co.Dublin in November 2023, network partners gathered in Santo Tirso for their first core network meeting of the action planning phase on 12th and 13th March. 
    Taking advantage of the warm spring sunshine, partners were treated to a fun and energising icebreaker of social bingo by Aliados consulting. The icebreaker session took place outdoors in the riverside courtyard of the recently renovated Fábrica Santo Tirso, a former spinning mill and textile factory. 

    Fabrica Santo Tirso

    Gavin Cusack

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  • Cities After Dark - #1 Quarterly Journal

    Nuno Almeida

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  • Follow our progress

    Since our network was officially approved in June 2023, one key milestone includes the publication of the CSG Baseline and Roadmap document where the network’s framework for Sustainability Governance is presented and all the partner profiles analysed. The study draws on partner visits carried out by Lead Expert Stina Heikkilä and Lead Partner coordinator Ville Taajamaa between August and November 2023.

    On this page, you will find the full Baseline document for download, and be able to follow quarterly updates through the CSG Field Notes where we report on key activities and leanings from the implementation of the roadmap.     



    Karin Luhaäär

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  • Follow our progress

    Since our network was officially approved in June 2023, one key milestone includes the publication of the CSG Baseline and Roadmap document where the network’s framework for Sustainability Governance is presented and all the partner profiles analysed. The study draws on partner visits carried out by Lead Expert Stina Heikkilä and Lead Partner coordinator Ville Taajamaa between August and November 2023.

    On this page, you will find the full Baseline document for download, and be able to follow quarterly updates through the CSG Field Notes where we report on key activities and leanings from the implementation of the roadmap.     



    Karin Luhaäär

    See more