Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • CSG

    Cities for Sustainability Governance: A Governance Styles Toolbox

    By Louis Meuleman, 07/01/2025

    Karin Luhaäär

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  • A group of people doing chair yoga in a cobblestone courtyard on a sunny day, with an industrial building and a large tree in the background

    How can cities activate unused green spaces and buildings?

    Picture yourself in that dark grey building or street, which does not smell nice, feels unsafe and makes you wonder only about one thing: I feel so bad, why did I come here? Now, picture yourself in that same building or street wondering only about one thing: OMG, it’s an amazing place, why didn’t I come here earlier?! 

    So… what’s happened? What’s changed to this area that you have to twist your daily itinerary to come and enjoy this area? And what is there actually to do?

    The 9 Project Partners of the GreenPlace network – Boulogne-sur-mer, Bucharest-Ilfov, Limerick, Löbau, Nitra, Onda, Quarto d’Altino, Vila Nova de Poiares, and Wroclaw- have experimented this journey, using the knowledge and methodology gathered over the first year and a half of the network. Their stories tell us more about actions to make abandoned buildings, forgotten tram depots, unused green areas, or unused yet to be renovated built areas – attractive and worth coming to.

    Joanna Gańcza-Pawełczyk

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  • City cards: a tool to promote rights and belonging for all?

    Can European cities follow the example of New York in promoting inclusion and access to rights for all residents by issuing local citizen cards? A transnational exchange hosted by the city of Liège on December 2, 2024 brought together a range of experts and practitioners to discuss the practical aspects of city card projects currenlty underway. City cards are a popular idea. Four of the ten WELDI partners are planning to make city cards a central element of their Action Plans, and many other cities, including Zurich, Bern, Berlin, Hamburg and Lyon, have similar projects. These projects are an expression of local commitment, but also of the growing contradictions local faced by governments as national policies become increasingly restrictive towards residents with a precarious status. 

    Sarah Simonin

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  • Cover or article from LET'S GO CIRCULAR! on CE awareness and education

    Driving Circular Economy Awareness and Education

    The transition to a circular economy (CE) represents a paradigm shift from traditional linear economic models towards a regenerative system. Cities, as epicenters of consumption and innovation, play a crucial role in fostering awareness and education around circular principles. The article synthesizes insights from the LET’S GO CIRCULAR! Paving the way for circular cities Action Planning Network financed by the URBACT IV programme and from various case studies in Europe, highlighting measures to engage different target groups and foster educational initiatives.

    Eleni FELEKI

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  • 18 months in a wrap-up: our progress so far

    As we close the year, it’s a great moment to reflect on how the In4Green network has progressed so far. Let’s take a look back at what we’ve achieved together in these last 18 months


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  • Roman, Romania

    Breaking Isolation ready for testing

    By Lead Expert, Christophe Gouache


    Within the Breaking Isolation action-planning network, it has been agreed that the ideation and testing action phases will be regarded as key and crucial phases to invest in.

    Barbara Gautherie

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