249 Good Practices submitted under URBACT’s call!

Edited on 09/07/2024

249 Good Practices submitted under URBACT’s call for Good Practices

249 Good Practices received from 32 countries to the URBACT Call for Good Practices.

184 cities took up the opportunity to share what they do well in the hope of receiving the URBACT Good Practice label. 

Following the Call for Good Practices from 15 April to 30 June 2024, 249 applications have been submitted from 184 cities from 32 countries. 25 EU Member States are represented, in addition to programme newcomers Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Moldova and Ukraine! Some cities have maximised their chances to receive the URBACT Good Practice label by submitting more than one practice.


249 Good Practices submitted under the URBACT call for Good Practices

Number of applications per country to the URBACT Call for Good Practices.


From July to October, all applications will be assessed against the criteria set out in the call (and explained in this article):
•    fit with integrated and participatory approach, 
•    positive impact at local level, 
•    relevance and 
•    transfer potential to other European cities. 

URBACT's Monitoring Committee will meet on 29-30 October 2024 to decide which applications will receive the URBACT Good Practice label. 

The laureats will benefit from a series of communication and visibility activities, most notably the URBACT City Festival on 8-10 April 2025 in Wrocław (PL). 

Be among the first to know what the selected URBACT Good Practices will be by subscribing to the URBACT newsletter.



Submitted by URBACT on 09/07/2024