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  • cl_liege

    EU City Lab sobre Contratação Pública para uma Alimentação mais Local, Sazonal e Sustentável

    J[u]nte-se a nós para o EU City Lab sobre Sistemas Alimentares Locais #2 do URBACT e da Iniciativa Urbana Europeia (EUI), em Liège (BE), a 29 e 30 de maio, para saber como a contratação pública se pode tornar uma forma de alavancar sistemas alimentares locais mais sustentáveis.

    Maria João Matos

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  • Green light!

    Same Journey; new stages…


    As I write this, I’ve just changed trains - moving to the next phase of a journey to another country in Europe. Whilst this current train journey is not related to the Digi-Inclusion project, that is a very different situation to the months before the New Year, when Digi-Inclusion travel was pretty much all I knew!


    The initial period of any URBACT project is an intense yet rewarding experience, and that time last year was no exception – getting to see first-hand the starting point of all our nine project partners in the network, visiting each one in turn to meet their municipal teams, local stakeholders and partners, and to get a sense of the place and it’s local context.

    Ian Graham

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  • Migration Centre of Fundão

    Transnational meeting on employment of the WELDI project by Fundão, Portugal

    WELDI’s second transnational meeting took place online and was organized by the city of Fundão. Fundão has a rich history influenced by various cultures over the centuries. Its development is linked to agriculture, crafts and other local economic activities. This first thematic meeting addressed the subject of employment for newcomers. This is an essential aspect of the project, and one in which Fundão has a great deal of experience.

    Sofiane Youssef

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  • Digi inclusion

    Promoting Digital Inclusion: “Pla de Barris” Initiative in Mollet de Vallès

    In an era in which digital literacy is indispensable for social inclusion and participation, Mollet de Vallès City Council, Lead Partner of DIGI-INCLUSION network, has taken a significant stride in bridging the digital divide through the implementation of "Pla de Barris" initiative. This endeavor, harmonized with the broader activities of the DIGI-INCLUSION network, seeks to equip citizens with basic digital skills, fostering autonomy and engagement in the digital realm. 


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  • URBACT Innovation Transfer Networks 2024

    Nabór na Sieci Transferu Innowacji: mamy pierwsze wiadomości!

    Program URBACT IV otrzymał 19 wniosków w naborze do Sieci Transferu Innowacji od 109 partnerów z 25 krajów członkowskich UE.


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  • URBACT Innovation Transfer Networks 2024

    Πρόσκληση σχηματισμού Δικτύων Μεταφοράς Καινοτομίας: Τα πρώτα στοιχεία από τις υποβληθείσες αιτήσεις

    Η πρόσκληση σχηματισμού Δικτύων Μεταφοράς Καινοτομίας (Innovation Transfer Networks – ITNs) του προγράμματος URBACT IV παρέμεινε ανοικτή, από τις 10 Ιανουαρίου έως τις 20 Μαρτίου 2024, για υποβολή προτάσεων από συμπράξεις πόλεων, στις οποίες επικεφαλής εταίροι είχαν τεθεί πόλεις που είχαν προηγουμένως υλοποιήσει έργα Αστικών Καινοτόμων Δράσεων. Πόλεις της ΕΕ, της Νορβηγίας, της Ελβετίας, της Αλβανίας, της Βοσνίας-Ερζεγοβίνης, του Μαυροβουνίου, της Βόρειας Μακεδονίας και της Σερβίας είχαν το δικαίωμα να δηλώσουν το ενδιαφέρον τους για συμμετοχή στα προτεινόμενα θεματικά δίκτυα ως εταίροι έργων. Καθώς η διαδικασία επιλογής και έγκρισης των υποψηφίων δικτύων ITNs βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη, ας ρίξουμε μια ματιά στους φορείς που αιτήθηκαν την ένταξή τους στα δίκτυα αυτά καθώς και σε ποια θεματικά πεδία αποφάσισαν να δηλώσουν ενδιαφέρον.


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