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Check URBACT's latest stories, updates and events!


  • Joyrnal-#3-Cover

    Our Playful Pardigm's Joyrnal 3rd issue.

    Our magazine named Joyrnal is always rich in information and has arrived at its 3rd issue. Read about our events in the network from all around Europe!


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  • 5th Transnational Meeting in Lousã, Portugal

    After the Transnational Meeting in Spain, this is the second face-to-face meeting for the Project Partners. The committee was hosted on September 29th and 30th 2022by the Municipality of Lousã, not far from the city of Coimbra, in the middle of the Portuguese hills.


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  • Nataliya Lazarenko at the URBACT City Festival - COVER

    How Ukrainian cities stand up a year after Russia’s invasion?

    A year after the Russian invasion in Ukraine, URBACT takes the opportunity to interview Nataliya Lazarenko from the Association of Ukrainian Cities.


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  • Join [u]s logo for URBACT APN campaign

    URBACTin APN-haku jatkuu – suomalaisia kaupunkeja etsitään verkostoihin

    Suomen URBACTin yhteyspisteelle on saapunut useita yhteydenottoja eri puolilta Eurooppaa. Suomalaisia kaupunkeja kaivataan mukaan valmisteilla oleviin verkostohankehakemuksiin. Alta löydät listan yhteydenotoista.Aihioiden kiinnostaessa ota meihin yhteyttä ( urbact@uef.fi ). Saat meiltä yhteyshenkilön sähköpostiosoitteen voidaksesi kysyä häneltä lisätietoja. Hakuaikaa APN-haussa on 31.3.2023 saakka.


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  • COVER what's in for future Action Planning Networks APN


    Na półmetku naboru do Sieci Planowania Działań Krajowy Punkt URBACT w Polsce zachęca polskie miasta do zapoznania się z warunkami i aplikowania do naboru.


    Zapraszamy polskie miasta, które są zainteresowane dołączeniem do sieci URBACT do nadsyłania swoich zgłoszeń do Punktu Kontaktowego, zaznaczając tematy, które ich interesują. Znajdziemy ciekawych partnerów do tworzących się Sieci Planowania Działań.


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  • COVER what's in for future Action Planning Networks APN

    O que têm a ganhar as cidades com as futuras Redes de Planeamento de Ação?

    Fazendo um balanço e olhando para o futuro, mergulhamos nos conhecimentos e reflexões resultantes da ronda passada das redes URBACT III.

    Maria João Matos

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