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    Aicinām pieteikties URBACT IV programmas pirmajā projektu konkursā Rīcības plānošanas tīkliem

    Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministrija aicina piedalīties URBACT IV starpreģionu sadarbības programmas 2021. - 2027. gadam pirmajā projektu konkursā Rīcības plānošanas tīkliem.

    Projektu konkurss norisinās no 2023. gada 9. janvāra līdz 2023. gada 31. marta plkst. 15:00.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • Open call for URBACt Networks

    Ya está abierta la 1ª Convocatoria de las Action Planning Networks de URBACT IV

    ¡La primera convocatoria de las Action Planning Networks de URBACT está abierta hasta el 31 de marzo de 2023 a las 15:00h!

    Landa Hernández

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  • URBACT publishes mobility guidance for cities of all sizes

    The Walk'n'Roll booklets bring innovation to public spaces and mobility practices.


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  • URBACT napędza zmiany ulepszające miasta

    Rozpoczynamy nabór URBACT do Sieci Planowania Działań!


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  • URBACT e la sperimentazione di nuove forme di finanza a impatto sociale: l’esperienza di SIBdev

    I Social Impact Bond (SIB) si stanno diffondendo in tutto il mondo e hanno raccolto sempre più l'attenzione di governi e autorità pubbliche, investitori, terzo settore e ricercatori negli ultimi anni. Di cosa si tratta? L'esperienza del Network SibDev

    Simone d'Antonio

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  • Audience at the URBACT IRELAND InfoDay, the Custom House, Dublin on January 31st, 2023

    Information Day-the launch of URBACT IV and the first call for Action Planning Networks!

    Karl Murphy

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